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Valdacil 09-19-2010 12:01 PM

LUA REQ: Warden Gambit Helper
If one of the LUA gurus would like to take this on, then let me describe what I envison.

One of the things about the warden is that there are so many gambits with varying uses. It can sometims be tough to remember which one to use in certain situations, especially if there is a gambit you don't use very often. I've made myself a cheat sheet on paper that basically tells me if I need a heal, do this gambit; if I want a buff, use this gambit... and catagorizes the gambits and narrows the list to a small handful. I've been working on a "Warden Gambit Comparison Sheet" which does calculations with regard to power cost vs. heal or power vs. dmg or power vs. taunt and thus I don't bother using certain gambits which are marginally efficient compared to other gambits.

So for the plugin what I envison is a simple display catagorizing my gambits then showing me what steps to cast that gambit. It should have a setup interface that allows me to select which gambits I want to display. So I could have a little list right below my BuffBars (:D) that looks like:


Gambit Helper
= GG - Defensive Strike
= GRG - Safeguard
= GR - Persevere
= YR - Precise Blow
= YY - Goad
= YG - War-cry
= RGY - Power Attack
There should be tabs under the headers above, but the page isn't showing them. This list could be customized via the setup interface by the user. What do you think? Any takers on this project?

Kalex 09-21-2010 04:07 PM

You might want to try out the Warden Trainer Lite plugin. It's what I use on my warden.


Valdacil 09-21-2010 08:28 PM

I looked at the plugin and it is a start. It's also nice that I can click the needed inputs right from the bar. But what I was really looking for was more of a gambit reference. Need a heal, here's your gambits. Need a buff, here's your gambits, etc. Would need to be customizable because I don't want to see every gambit... some I never use and others become obselete once you have better gambits.

Thank you for linking that other one, though. I may make use of that; but the request stands for a gambit reference as described below.

Justin12221 09-21-2010 09:28 PM

I could use something a bit more than a lite gambit helper too, but my main problem is deciding what attacks to use when focusing on killing foes instead of tanking and draining a tough (lieutenant, boss, etc.) enemy's morale over time.

Valdacil 09-22-2010 10:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
As far as deciding what gambit to use when I created the attached sheet a year and a half ago. Basically, each time I level up I input the data on my skills into one of the sheets. Then on the main sheet I enter my level and max mainhand damage. The sheet then calculates how much damage, relative threat, and heal each gambit does based on the damage of the inputs and the gambit itself. Then it calculates power cost based on the power cost of the inputs and the gambit itself. Then it gives you a dmg/pwr, threat/pwr, heal/pwr value that you can use to compare the efficiency of your gambits. That's why I know there are some I'll never use, their efficiency is so much lower than other gambits I'm better off to keep using certain ones.

Anyway, 2 problems with attached. It's a work in progress, and I can only fill in data based on what I know. So I only have data up to around level 20 right now because that's what level my new warden is; and I only have the calculations for gambits up to around 28 or so (level of my old warden before I took a break from the game for a while). As I level up my new warden I'll be able to fill in more of the sheet.

Emberleaf 09-28-2010 09:15 AM

I, too, would very much like to see a plugin with the functionality Valdecil describes. I tried the Warden Lite plugin and it just didn't do it for me. A categorized listing of all gambits currently possessed by the warden and the steps to trigger each gambit would be a godsend. Here is what I envision:

A small bar with the various categories of gambits (HoT, Threat Transfer, etc.) represented by different buttons. When you click a specific button, a drop down list of all the gambits in that category is revealed. Mousing over each gambit will reveal a short description of the gambit and the steps necessary to trigger it.

I know that a plugin like this would *greatly* help me in-game. It doesn't *sound* too difficult to achieve, but then again, I don't know lua scripting. Is there anyone out there with the awesomeness required to create this and help us poor downtrodden wardens out? :)

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