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Unread 07-27-2019, 08:06 PM
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Garan Garan is offline
The Undying
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Posts: 344
Originally Posted by Agollas
So characters that have been renamed have brackets around them for now. But could change things, so that they change name again once they realise they're a duplicate.

One idea I did have was if there was a way to overwrite the/tell command with a custom one, but I don't know if that's possible?
Nope. While you can create shorthand for the built in commands, mostly to avoid repetitive typing, you can't actually replace them in any meaningful way. By shorthand I mean if you wanted "/tsb" to be shorthand for "/tell somebody" you could do that, but it would still be resolved to the underlying tell command before executing. That's actually how people embed things like location coordinates or current target name in quickslot tells to do things like callouts in the 'Moors. But it still resolves to the actual command, it just saves you some typing.
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