09-24-2010, 03:03 PM
The Wary
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Re:Re:Trouble Loading
Thats the thing, ive followed all of the steps, downloaded the turbine stuff, read the blog, yet it still wont load.
09-24-2010, 09:38 AM
The Undefeated
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Re: Trouble Loading
Last edited by NuclearTonic : 09-24-2010 at 10:02 AM.
09-24-2010, 12:35 AM
The Wary
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Trouble Loading
I made a plugins folder inside my LOTRO folder, downloaded your file, unzipped it in plugins, but when im in game it will not recognize it when I /plugins list. I resarted my client multiple times. This is how it is in my folder: C:\Users\<My User Name>\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins\1284413707-TonicBars\Tonic\TonicBars\Resources. If you could help me figure out what im doing wrong it'd be much appreciated.
09-21-2010, 10:07 AM
The Undefeated
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Everyone... I havn't forgotten about you all. Working on two things.
1) Improvements to the menu system.
2) The Addition of Extension Slots. This is the basic concept that you have a slot that has similar items and don't want to take up a LOT of room to display them all on your main bars. Extensions allows for a lot of flexibility. Hunters can hide their travel options and when moused over, all of them are at your disposal. Same with Horses, Port / Maps, Skill chains, etc.
09-15-2010, 10:29 PM
The Undefeated
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Re: Keybindings not available for TonicBar buttons?
yeah, sorry about that. It would make everyone's lives a lot easier. All the'd have to do is allow us to apply a key to a shortcut. I don't think it would break things too much, but *shrug* I don't work there!
09-15-2010, 07:42 PM
The Wary
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Keybindings not available for TonicBar buttons?
Am I to understand that I cannot keymap any of the TonicBar buttons? If so then that just kills this otherwise wonderful plugin for me. Any chance I missed how to do so, or that this could be added to TB?
EDIT I don't know how I missed all the current comments before posting. Never mind. It seems Turbine doesnt trust me with <spooky voice> KEYBINDINGS </spooky voice>
Last edited by Basho : 09-15-2010 at 07:46 PM.
09-15-2010, 01:01 PM
The Undying
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Found a bug...
I have been trying to fix my quickslot behaviour and found an error. So, what do you do? Find out if other people suffer the same problem!
Bug report:
Slots clear when you don't want them to. How to reproduce.
Create a tonicbar and slot a skill.
Click the skill.
Go to an external source (Such as the character skills panel) and begin to drag a skill.
Drag the skil into the tonic bar in the location you slotted the skill and out of the tonic bar- the slot you drag into will clear.
Hope that makes sense - if you find a solution I would love to hear it! If I find one I will pass it on.
I have some code from D.H1cks that fixes the behaviour - I will send it to you privately...
Last edited by MrJackdaw : 09-15-2010 at 01:09 PM.
09-14-2010, 11:37 AM
The Undying
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It should just give you two more bars - not replace the standard ones. They won't give us access to the standard bars.
09-14-2010, 01:51 AM
The Wary
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From first glance, it seems these replace bars2+, instead of giving us more past bar6? I need more quickslots, but I have keybindings for almost all of the original ones. I just want more for various other less-important things I can mouseclick on instead of needing keybindings for. Not possible yet?
09-13-2010, 05:06 PM
The Undefeated
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*** Lastest v0.8 fixes crash due to invalid Shortcut... Thank: Pengoros for the fix! ***
09-12-2010, 02:31 PM
The Wary
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That's too bad.
But I can always hope for something in the future!
09-12-2010, 02:24 PM
The Undefeated
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I'm sorry, I wanted to do this as well, but I can not. I have no control over the image (shortcut) size. I actually can't make it smaller either, but I can make the viewable area smaller (which is what the current slider does).
If turbine adds this functionality, I would be happy to make it happen.
09-12-2010, 01:37 PM
The Wary
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Great plugin.. Anyway to make the Quickslot slots bigger? The max size on the slider is about the max size of the default UI slots and Really like bigger icons..
09-11-2010, 12:39 PM
The Undefeated
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Lichbane: This is a Turbine Bug. I'll write up a Ticket for them. I might be able to work around this, but I'm not sure, I'm hoping to be able to look into your inventory for the item of that type, and if you don't have any, drop the shortcut, but otherwise, with the data I have, I can't determine that the shortcut is "invalid".
Gedachtnis: There should be a Lock option on every bar in the MainMenu. If you select lock, it grays out unused quickslots and it shouldn't allow shortcuts to be removed.
09-11-2010, 09:05 AM
The Indomitable
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If possible in a future build can you add the ability to lock the quickslots so players don't accidently drag the skills off the bars?
Losing the Share the Power skill during Lt. makes life rough on LM's..... or so I hear lol.
Not sure the API supports it but it would be a nice feature.
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