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Category: Action Bars & Main BarKragenBars2
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v6.2.1.2 - 2013-04-07

Please report any bugs or feature requests at this place.

Changes with v6.2.1.2
  • # Bugfix language recognition guardian

+ Added feature
- Removed feature
# change/bugfix[code]

-- Please help
- At some classes there are translations missing. Mostly for french but also some for german.

-- Global Features
- KragenBars2 button for each class to allow easy access to all KragenBars features. Support for screenshot mode
- Ability to resize, delete, and create new KragenBars (see notes below)
- Ability to customize combat visibility for each bar (Always, In-Combat Only, Out-Combat Only)
- Set "Snap to Grid" size to get bars lined up 'just where you want them'
- BETA: Add skills/items to KragenBars that weren't previously coded for KragenBars
- Automatic class detection and setup
- Ability to swap skills between bars
- Ability to lock swappable skill bars to prevent accidental skill swapping
- Ability to rotate bars to be horizontal or vertical
- Option to snap bars to grid for easy alignment
- Skills respond to combat states (ie. skills not usable in combat hide when combat starts)

-- Future Plans
- Custom MultiSlot Bars. One slot will contain a configurable number of fields to place skill. Use mouse whell to scroll through.

-- Installation
Option 1: LOTRO Plugin Compendium by lunarwtr
1) Download LOTRO Plugin Compendium
2) Select KragenBars2, click "Add"
3) Launch from within game as normal (via manager or via /plugins load Kragenbars)

Option 2: Manual Install
1) Download KragenBars
2) Extract KragenBars.zip downloaded in step 1 to your %Documents%\Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins directory and overwrite all files when prompted
3) Launch from within game as normal (via manager or via /plugins load Kragenbars)

-- Previous releasenotes
Changes with v6.2.1.1
  • # Bugfix for Elendils Blade (Thanks Tappo!!)
Changes with v6.2.1.0 Hunter:
  • # Hunters Art is now correctly activated with one focus.
  • + Added three more quickslots for herald armaments
Changes with v6.2.0.1 Lore-Master:
  • #Fixed a bug that caused Lore-Master bars to show incorrect abilities for level. Thanks Cantido!!
Changes with v6.2.0.0 Common:
  • # Big change on versioning making KragenBars2 suitable for updating settings in future so that deleting the plugindata is not necessary anymore.
  • + Added three more quickslots for the hunters traps.
Changes with v6.1.2.0 All classes:
  • # All fear-, wound- and poisonindicators are only activated if a cureable debuff is applied.
  • # The green border that a skill is activated is now displayed for all new skills which replaces older ones.
  • # Bugfix loading plugin version
Changes with v6.1.1.7 Common:
  • # Version number is now saved correctly
  • # MultiSlot for stance change is now switching correctly
  • + Added a button for the skill catch a breath to the parry row (used for overpower stance)
  • # Useless chat output removed
Changes with v6.1.1.6 Minstrel:
  • # Bug corrected when using Lute Strings (Thx Tappo)
Changes with v6.1.1.5 Hunter:
  • # Skills based on activated effects are now working correctly! Still need translation to french - have a look at HunterBars.lua
  • # Skills based on activated effects are now working correctly! Still need translation to french - have a look at LoreBars.lua. Do I have all possible effects listed in this file?
Changes with v6.1.1.2 Common:
  • # Implemented VindarPatch for european clients. Dirty, but works... really
Changes with v6.1.1.1 Common:
  • # Changed version numbering. This will reset your config for the last time! Every future change that will change your config will be done automatically if possible
  • + Implemented VindarPatch for european clients. Dirty, but works...
Changes with v6.02 Minstrel:
  • Fixed issue with Call to Fate
  • Fixed issue wirh Call of Eärendil
Changes with v6.01 Common:
  • # Fixed dependencies to Vindar.Patch again. Sorry for that!
  • # Fixed an issue with Guide to Snowbourn (wrong hex code). Really this time!
Changes with v6.0 Champion:
  • Added Horn of Champions
  • Added Improved Bracing Attack
  • Added Improved Wild Attack
  • Fixed display error for rez-bar and rez2-bar. Should now be shown correctly. If you use these bars, you had do delete your KragenBarsSetting.plugindata
  • Fixed issue with the new Tale of the Elements causing an error on startup
  • Fixed an issue with Guide to Snowbourn (wrong hex code)
  • Fixed bugs with enamels and inlays (I hope so!)
Changes with v5.93 Rune-keeper::
  • Added Improved Scribe’s Spark
  • Added Improved Rune of Restoration
  • Added Improved Armour of Flame/Winter/Storm
Changes with v5.92 Minstrel:
  • Added Tale of the Elements (Improved Tale of Frost and Flame)
  • Added Call of Eärendil
  • Added Improved Gift of the Hammerhand
  • Added Improved Valiant Strike
  • Added Improved War-cry
  • Added Inspiring Blade of Elendil (I hope that works, because it's the third variant of this attack I think)
  • Added Inspiriting Call
Changes with v5.91 Common:
  • # Removed dependencies on some libs of Equendil used for enable the screenshot mode, which prevent loading of the plugin if i.e. Bootstrap isn't loaded.
  • + Added Improved Disable
  • + Added Improved Confound
  • + Added Improved Addle
Changes with v5.90 Common:
  • + Support for screenshot mode is added - menu button is disappearing
  • + Catch A Breath is activated even in overpower stance.
  • + Added Improved Sweeping Cut
  • + Added Improved Shieldswipe
  • + Added Improved Thrust
  • - Removed Guardians Parry
  • + Added Improved Splitshot
  • + Added Improved Distracting Shot
  • + Added Cry of the Hunter
  • + Added Guid To Caras Galadhon
  • + Added Guid To the Misty Mountains
  • + Added Guid To Snowborn
  • # Resized Bars due to bugs and new skills.
  • # Rune Sign Of Storm, Winter or Flame is now correctly refreshing
  • # Writ Of Flame doesn't cover other skills anymore
  • + Added Improved Power of Knowledge
  • + Added Share the Power – Fellowship
  • + Added Water Lore
  • # Rearragend bars due to new skills
  • + Added Improved Valiant Strike
Due to the fact that Kragenwar and Valdacil apparently are doing no further development of their KragenBars, I have decided to maintain their work under the new name KragenBars2. All credits until version 5.08 are going to them. If they decide to undertake the project again, this version won't be continued anymore.

Kragenbars features all classes (except Warden, expected to be added in a later version) with all skills organized onto multiple bars and offering contextual feedback as appropriate. Skills your character is too low to use will be hidden.

-- Class Specific
- Crit chain bars display and update when you crit. [Partly broken in RoI]
- Find Footing indicator displays when stunned/dazed/knocked down
- Stance Slot for Mischief, Quiet Knife and Gambler stances.
- Mischief related skills only display when in mischief (Honed Wit option allows Clever Retort to display out of Mischief)
- Item slots for Marbles, Caltrops, Stun Dust and Throwing Knives/Hatchets
- FM Response bar displays when the fellowship completes a named FM
- Green Poison indicator appears on Cure Poison/Burglar's Antidote when you have clearable poison debuffs.

- Defeat response bar displays when you receive a defeat response
- Devestating Blow, Pressing Attack and Blade of Elendil only appear when available.
- Option for all three marks on one scrolling quickslot
- Motivating Speech indicator displays when buff is not active
- IDOME indicator displays when buff is not active
- Tactics quickslot contains all 3 tactics (use scroll wheel to change shown tactic). Can be set to either fade or disappear when a tactic is active on the player
- Cry of Vengence indicator displayed upon fellowship member defeat
- Herald scroll quickslot displays when not in combat and fades down to indicate when you have a banner buff on you
- Banner scroll quickslot displays all banner plus Armament for switching back to Heralds. Fades down when you have banner buff active.
- Brother toggles (Shield, Song, Sword) in one multislot
- Item Quickslots for Summoning Horn, Battle-Tonics and Blazoned Emblems
- Purple Fear indicator appears on Muster Courage when you have clearable fear debuffs.

- Defeat response bar displays when you receive a defeat response.
- Buff bar displays available buffs (Flurry/Exchange of Blows) depending on your stance. Icons disappear when buffs are activated and come back when they fade off.
- Stance quickslot contains all stances in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Options available to select a primary and secondary stance. If you are in your primary stance, the stance slot will fade and show your secondary stance; if not it will show your primary stance. Options to hide or dim when in a stance.
- Hedge indicator when disarmed
- Blood Rage indicator when stunned/dazed/knocked down
- Fervor Tracking: Skills only display if you have enough fervor for them.
- Item Quickslots for Crafted Horn and Fervor Tonics
- Purple Fear indicator appears on Fear Nothing when you have clearable fear debuffs.

- Block and Parry reactive bars display when you block/parry and update as you move down the chain. (Now includes Tier 3 Block/Parry Responses)
- Guardian's Ward quickslot can be set to dim or hide when you have the Guardian's Ward Buff up. Additional option Early Warning makes the slot hide and then come back dimmed about 3-5 seconds before the buff fades.
- Stance quickslot contains all stances in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Options available to select a primary and secondary stance. If you are in your primary stance, the stance slot will fade and show your secondary stance; if not it will show your primary stance. Options to hide or dim when in a stance.
- Overpower bar shows if you are in Overpower. Shield Blow, Protection and Shield Wall disappear when in Overpower.
- Turn the Tables indicator displays when you are stunned/dazed/knocked down
- Item Quickslots for Shield Spikes and Overpower Tactics
- Red Wound indicator appears on Feel No Pain when you have clearable wound debuffs.

- Agile Rejoinder displays if you receive Parry response
- Swift Stroke indicator displays when you don't have the Swift Stroke buff
- Stance quickslot contains all stances in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Options available to select a primary and secondary stance. If you are in your primary stance, the stance slot will fade and show your secondary stance; if not it will show your primary stance.
- Find the Path indicator can hide or dim when active
- Tracking skills contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Trapping skills contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Strength of the Earth hidden when not in combat
- Focus Tracking: Skills only display if you have enough focus for them.
- Fire Oil and Light Oil quickslots configurable in the setup window. When an oil is active that slot will be hidden and the alternate oil slot will dim.
- Bow Chants quickslot configurable in the setup window. When Bow chant is active slot will be hidden.
- Crafted traps multiquickslot configurable in the setup window (use scroll wheel to cycle crafted traps slot)
- Ports contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)

- Warding Lore skills contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Pet buffs contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Pet food multiquickslot configurable in the setup window. (use scroll wheel to cycle)
- Pets contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle between pet types; Alt+Scroll to cycle appearances). Setup window has options for which pets and appearences to show when scrolling
- Pets and Back from the Brink are hidden when in combat

- Anthems and Codexr hide as appropriate
- Option to either hide or dim anthems with active buffs
- Skills only available in Warspeech are hidden if WS is not active
- Dethreat skills only show in combat
- Silence removal skills only show when silenced (option to Always Show Cry of the Chorus in setup)
- Tales contained in one slot (use scroll wheel to cycle). Tales indicator dims when a tale is active.
- Quickslots for Lute Strings and Sheet Music. Lute Strings slot will hide while Lute Strings are active.

- Calming Verse indicator shows when buff is not active
- Distracting Winds indicator show in combat
- Master of Writs indicator dims when buff is active. Writ skills show/hide depending on whether buff is present.
- Attunement and OffAttunement bars: Attunement bar shows usable Healing or Fury of Storm skills based on whether the player is Healing attuned or Battle attuned. OffAttune bar shows Scribe's Spark and Ceaseless Argument or Prelude to Hope, Rune of Restoration, Mending Verse and Writ of Health based on what is shown on the Attunement bar
- Skills show/hide based on attunement level
- Healing skills hide when out of combat as appropriate

-- Note on KragenBars New/Remove Bar Feature
In order for certain features to work properly, some bars have been made non-editable/non-removable (though you can still make them inactive if you don't want to see them). Examples of this are the Burglar's Crit Chain and the Guardian Block/Parry Chain bars. Any skills located on these bars cannot be swapped or placed on other bars (even if you deactivate the original bar).

-- Note on Adding Skills to New Bars
You may now drag skills from your Turbine Skills Panel to KragenBars and the effects coding will follow the skill. Skills placed on non-KragenBars will not have any KragenBars effects however. If you drag a skill that is contained within a multislot (ie. a stance or a Minstrel Tale), the entire multislot will be moved to the new location. Dragging any skill from the Skills Panel to a KragenBar will remove that skill from whatever bar it was previously located (even if that bar is still visible). You may also drag quickslots from the KragenBars quickslot panel in the same manner. As mentioned above, skills located on hard coded KragenBars cannot be dragged to customized KragenBars.

-- Usage
The first time Kragenbars is loaded (either via an in-game plugin manager or by executing the command:
"/plugins load Kragenbars") your class will be automatically detected and default options selected.

Once you have configured Kragenbars with your class, you can access setup by clicking on the KB icon (which defaults to the top lefthand corner of the screen).

Rt. clicking on the KB button brings up a list of commands which can be executed for KragenBars (such as Refresh Level). You can also change traits, features, and defaults via the rt. click menu.

-- Known issues
-The API does not allow us to determine whether the client is in layout mode (CTRL + \) or not. Loading KragenBars while in layout mode will result in drag bars that display/hide when they should be doing the opposite. If this happens just unload and reload the plugin with layout mode turned off.

-If you place a KragenBar on top of the main Turbine bar (the one in the bottom center of the screen with the menu, panel buttons, and first quickbar) then enter layout mode (Ctrl + \), the KragenBars icons may appear behind the main Turbine bar making them inaccessible. If you unload and reload the KragenBars should appear in front of the main Turbine bar again.

-Burglar: The second tier of the crit chain will show after the first tier fades even if you do not use Burglar's Advantage. This is due to there not being a buff effect for tier 2 and the Burglar ClassAttributes do not function properly for Burglar. This will be fixed once Turbine fixes this part of the API.

-KragenBars relies on effect names to change the state of your UI. Because of this all features may not function properly on German and French clients. We are in the midst of working on this, if you would like to help with effect name translation please PM KragenWar. If some functions are not working, please write a comment at http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info711-KragenBars2.html

-- Credits
Thanks to Digital Utopia for his Timer class and DUInterface UI Library.
Thanks to Deusdictum for his DragBar class.
Thanks to Pengoros for his permission and assistance in adapting the BuffBars setup window.
Thanks to Eronaile for helping with the German effect names for Guardian/Burglar/Champion and Captain.
Thanks to ptweety for testing and helping with the German/French client settings number issue.
Thanks to rafalek for helping with effect localization bugs.
Thanks to Tholgar for assistance with Translation.
Thanks to all the faithful users for their positive feedback and assistance in driving improvements.

KragenBars2 by Lumbra, based on KragenBars by Kragenwar and Valdacil
Archive List (Old Versions)
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Last Modified: 07-30-2014 08:46 AM by Lumbra    

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Unread 04-10-2012, 08:22 PM  
The Undefeated
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Please, tell me which class is broken too. I'll try to fix it then.

Best regards,
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Unread 04-12-2012, 09:12 AM  
The Wary

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Please, tell me which class is broken too. I'll try to fix it then.

Best regards,
Minstrel has a "broken" implementation.

Many Minstrel skills are exchanged for others when the stance changes.

What's broken:
While KragenBars correctly changes out the icons when the stance changes, the mouse-hover tooltips are not.
It always shows the skill tooltips that were in effect for the stance at the time KB was launched.

As a guide to replicating the error and to see what should happen, here is an example.
If I've the Melody of Battle skill in a LOTRO UI quickslot and in a KB quickslot, then change from the default of "no stance" to "war-speech", the icon for Melody of Battle changes to Timeless Echoes of Battle in both the LOTRO UI and KB quickslots.
But on mouse hover, the tooltip in KB is still for MoB whereas the tooltip in LOTRO UI is now for TEoB.

My workaround in play is to unload/reload KB when the desired stance is active.
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Unread 04-12-2012, 11:35 AM  
The Undefeated
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I don't play a minstrel by myself, but maybe I can figure out where the problem is.

If I understand you the right way, every skill is affected which is changed by stance?
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Unread 04-12-2012, 01:37 PM  
The Wary

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I don't play a minstrel by myself, but maybe I can figure out where the problem is.

If I understand you the right way, every skill is affected which is changed by stance?
Yes, every skill that I re-checked today for the original reply: anthems, coda, ballads, call(s).

Works: The skill icons are correctly replaced.

Works: The correct skill fires on clicking the KB quicksloted icon.

Broken: The LOTRO skill info popup on mouse hover over the KB quicksloted icon is for the skill version present when KB plugin launched. Therefore, reloading the KB plugin succeeds as a workaround.
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Unread 04-17-2012, 12:24 AM  
The Undefeated
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I've found it!!

We need to reactivate all skills affected by this issue. Can you give me the name of those skills please? My minstrel is only level 10!

Remark: Please only the skillnames of "no-stance"

- Melody of Battle

Last edited by Lumbra : 04-17-2012 at 07:38 AM.
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Unread 04-18-2012, 08:51 AM  
The Wary

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I've found it!!

We need to reactivate all skills affected by this issue. Can you give me the name of those skills please? My minstrel is only level 10!

Remark: Please only the skillnames of "no-stance"

- Melody of Battle
For folks following this thread, I responded to Lumbra by PM as it would have cluttered the comment section needlessly.

He is definitely working on these minstrel bugs.

Yeah Lumbra!
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Unread 04-19-2012, 02:39 PM  
The Undying
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How were you able to get the tooltips to display the correct tooltip after stance changes? There are a few other plugins that when skill tooltips change the tooltips keep the old information until you reload. Was wondering if there was an easy fix to that or if it requires a bit of work to fix.

It's good to see someone keeping this plugin updated
Stever1388 is offline Report comment to moderator   Reply With Quote Reply With Quote
Unread 04-19-2012, 05:57 PM  
The Wary

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How were you able to get the tooltips to display the correct tooltip after stance changes? There are a few other plugins that when skill tooltips change the tooltips keep the old information until you reload. Was wondering if there was an easy fix to that or if it requires a bit of work to fix.

It's good to see someone keeping this plugin updated
I'm guessing he did the changes solely within the minstrel bars, filename: minibars.lua.
I used Notepad++ and its Compare plugin to see the differences between v5.15 and v5.13.
Using the Compare feature, it looks like Lumbra's code revision is in Events, beginning near line 216 "Stance Change Event".
Definitively new code runs from lines ~219 through ~247 and ~257 through ~285.
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Unread 04-19-2012, 09:26 PM  
The Undefeated
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Just uploaded a "new" version with comments to new code.

Last edited by Lumbra : 04-20-2012 at 07:33 AM.
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Unread 04-20-2012, 12:00 PM  
The Undying
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Just uploaded a "new" version with comments to new code.
This is really helpful. Thanks a bunch! Great work!
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Unread 04-20-2012, 12:10 PM  
The Undefeated
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It would be better to integrate this in the existing functions - but my target was to provide a fast solution. Maybe I try to integrate it - and solve the problem with the false activated skills.
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Unread 04-20-2012, 01:36 PM  
The Wary

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Great job taking over maintenance! Thumbs up. Just had one small issue with the latest version:

...ien\The Lord of the Rings Online\Plugins\KragenBars2\KragenBars\Main.lua:10: malformed number near '5.15.1'
LUA doesn't like a number with two decimal points, it seems - and doesn't think of interpreting it as a string, either. Changing the value to '5.16' got it to work.
Setharnas is offline Report comment to moderator   Reply With Quote Reply With Quote
Unread 04-20-2012, 01:38 PM  
The Undefeated
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Thank you, but I already have corrected that
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Unread 04-22-2012, 06:50 PM  
The Wary

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no coda for minstrel

in ver 5.16 for minstrel there is no coda after 3 ballads or chorus -
the last more or less properly working version for minstrel was 5.14

Last edited by zbycho : 04-22-2012 at 08:35 PM.
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Unread 04-23-2012, 08:47 AM  
The Undefeated
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Re: no coda for minstrel

Sorry for that, I have found the issue, but just try to fix another tooltip issue with the runekeeper. I will upload a new version soon.

in ver 5.16 for minstrel there is no coda after 3 ballads or chorus -
the last more or less properly working version for minstrel was 5.14
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