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Faflaf 10-26-2010 02:09 PM

Got the zip uploaded. It can be downloaded from http://www.lotrointerface.com/downlo...VitalBars.html

movn 10-28-2010 10:44 AM

Looks nice but doesn't work on my pet, he still has the normal icon and bars.
I don't like those player and pet avatars they take up too much room and are useless. I play a lot in f12 mode, one it looks awesome with high res pack and two it forces you to learn your hotkeys better. However that doesn't work with group content :)

On 1920x1080p the vital bars are very skinny, would like to make the moral thicker, also would like to make the power smaller.

Would it be posible to disable power for my pet and all fellowship members but not my char?

Faflaf 10-29-2010 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by movn (Post 5340)
Looks nice but doesn't work on my pet, he still has the normal icon and bars.
I don't like those player and pet avatars they take up too much room and are useless. I play a lot in f12 mode, one it looks awesome with high res pack and two it forces you to learn your hotkeys better. However that doesn't work with group content :)

On 1920x1080p the vital bars are very skinny, would like to make the moral thicker, also would like to make the power smaller.

Would it be posible to disable power for my pet and all fellowship members but not my char?

I totally agree with you on the avatars being a useless waste of space, which is why I started this little project to begin with.

VitalBars is just a modification of the LOTRO Vitals plugin which I'm not sure had pet support which is why VitalsBar doesn't either. Of course, that just means I need to add it in.

I am currently working on making the height configurable as well as a "only show in combat" type option. I will add a "only show morale" option to my list of things to add. Unfortunetly, my video card on my dev machine died yesterday so development has stopped until I get that fixed.

Thanks for the input.

movn 10-31-2010 08:06 AM

It doesn't seem to work on fellowship members either?
I hate the default look and healing with it is a pain.
I hope you get it working :)

Oh btw could you change opacity based on health %?

Faflaf 11-11-2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by movn (Post 5349)
It doesn't seem to work on fellowship members either?
I hate the default look and healing with it is a pain.
I hope you get it working :)

Oh btw could you change opacity based on health %?

VitalBars currently only supports Morale and Power of the player character. This is because VitalBars is a modification of Turbines Vitals plugin which also did not support pets, felllowships, or target. This limitation is something I'd like to correct however, Turbines API doesn't have much if any support for getting data about other stuff other then your character. Therefore, I may not be able to add support for pets, fellowships, and target until the API expands a bit.

Hating the default look is a pretty powerful statement although I'm not sure what to do about it since you didn't let me know what you hate about it. I don't play a healer class so I am only assuming the reason healing with VitalBars is a pain is because they are short and hard to click on. You can set them to stack Morale on top of Power if that would help. You can also turn the default Vitals back on as a work around. Both of those can be done in the options. Please give me some more details around the problems with healing so I can go back and beat VitalBars with a stick to try and solve the problems :).

I will look at changing opacity based on health %.

Thanks for your comments. Any comment that helps me make VitalBars better and more useful is welcome.

MrJackdaw 11-12-2010 01:43 AM

If you can add variable height bars, hiding out of combat, then I will be a very happy chicken!

Also... vertical bars?

Faflaf 11-12-2010 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by MrJackdaw (Post 5505)
If you can add variable height bars, hiding out of combat, then I will be a very happy chicken!

Also... vertical bars?

You will almost be a happy chicken. The latest version, which I will be uploading after typing this, has the hiding when in or out of combat. The ability to have Morale stacked on top of Power is already there. I'm assuming thats what you mean by vertical bars. Correct me if I'm wrong about that.

The variable height is something I'm stuggling with. The way the bars were originally written uses an image as the background then blends it with the forground color. The image gives it the smooth 3D look while the bending the background with a green or blue foreground color gives it the color. Simply increasing the height cause the background image to repeat vertically making it look like 2 Morale bars or Power bars. This is the next feature I'll be focusing on as I also want to adjust the height and I am annoyed that I can't.

Faflaf 11-12-2010 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by MrJackdaw (Post 5505)
Also... vertical bars?

It was late last night when I wrote my response to your vertical bars question. Turning the bars to a horizontal position can certainly be done (as others have already done it). However, with that I'd also want to add the ability to move the Morale and Power bars independantly. While this is also possible it is a major change in the design of the plugin. I will look into to see what I can do.

MrJackdaw 11-12-2010 01:06 PM

I realise, believe me, how much work these things can be!

Can the backdrop be set to be a solid colour? Then it won't matter if the bar is taller.

Faflaf 11-12-2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by MrJackdaw (Post 5514)
I realise, believe me, how much work these things can be!

Can the backdrop be set to be a solid colour? Then it won't matter if the bar is taller.

I think changing the bar to a solid color instead of blending the color with the background image is the solution I'm going to have to implement. That saddens me greatly as I, for one, like the 3D look provided by the background image. The look of it is also something I've received quite a bit of positive response on so I really hate loosing that.

I think what I'll do is put an option in to let the user use the background image and not adjust the height or use a solid color and adjust the height. Even better I could have a total of 4 background images at 1x, 2x, 3x, and 4x the height and if the user want the pretty 3D look they can choose from one of those heights while if the user chooses to use a solid color they can then specify a height using a slider. I like that idea. Makes more work for me but give as much control back to the user as possible. That's assuming I don't find a way to stretch the images height to whatever the user wants.

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