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Brode 04-24-2008 11:57 AM

m not sure try ..
<Element ID="Target_Image" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"></Element>

The Scyphozoa 04-24-2008 06:34 PM

That was already suggested and done. You can't get rid of the animations... as of book 12. ;) Perhaps you can now with Book 13, but I doubt it. :( Sorry I forgot to mention that earlier.

Brygard2007 04-24-2008 07:46 PM

You will need to add the follwoing code and edit the animation width to 1.This how I got rid of it from book 12.
<Element ID="OpponentVitals_Animations" X="-4" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"></Element>

<PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_OpponentPanel">
<Element ID="OpponentPanel" X="268" Y="2" Width="284" Height="130">
<Element ID="VitalsParent" X="0" Y="20" Width="284" Height="110">
<Element ID="Opponent_SelectionField" X="7" Y="0" Width="272" Height="120">
<Element ID="OpponentsVitals_BG" X="10" Y="44" Width="176" Height="40"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentVitalsField" X="10" Y="34" Width="168" Height="42"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentPanel_BG" X="-1" Y="1" Width="277" Height="95"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentClass" X="182" Y="72" Width="20" Height="20"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentPortrait" X="200" Y="42" Width="28" Height="28">
<Element ID="Target_Image" X="0" Y="0" Width="64" Height="64"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentName" X="5" Y="5" Width="225" Height="36"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentEffectDisplay" X="9" Y="72" Width="170" Height="44"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentVitals_Animations" X="-4" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentPanel_COVER_LOWRES" X="186" Y="22" Width="64" Height="62"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentLevel_BG" X="185" Y="78" Width="65" Height="32"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentLevel" X="173" Y="47" Width="32" Height="17"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentPVP_RankDisplay" X="199" Y="65" Width="32" Height="32"></Element>
<Element ID="OpponentPVP_PrestigeDisplay" X="242" Y="17" Width="34" Height="78"></Element>
<Element ID="InanimateObject_SelectionField" X="28" Y="1" Width="228" Height="84">
<Element ID="InanimateObjectPanel_BG" X="7" Y="26" Width="215" Height="51"></Element>
<Element ID="InanimateObjectForeground" X="-2" Y="19" Width="231" Height="66"></Element>
<Element ID="InanimateObjectName" X="11" Y="29" Width="205" Height="47"></Element>

EntART3t 04-25-2008 04:32 PM


You will need to add the follwoing code and edit the animation width to 1.This how I got rid of it from book 12.
<Element ID="OpponentVitals_Animations" X="-4" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"></Element>
ye, does work ;) thank you

EntART3t 04-29-2008 04:40 AM

just an new screenshot couse i made some smaller changes:

Brode 04-29-2008 10:22 AM

looks good!

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