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Supermax 03-18-2008 04:32 PM

Oh Geez the swarm vitals! Lol You know I designed the swarm vitals and never included them.

I'll put up a new download later tonight!

Wicked Mouse 03-18-2008 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Supermax (Post 2629)
Oh Geez the swarm vitals! Lol You know I designed the swarm vitals and never included them.

You gotta test EVERYthing, mate :D

Wicked Mouse 03-18-2008 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Scyphozoa (Post 2618)
Funny how there are 111 downloads of both this skin and "Delving Hills". Both great skins.

EDIT: Wow, and now there are 116 for Delving Hills and only 114 for ROTR. And I did download ROTR again with the update. You're falling behind, Supermax!

It's not a race :D

Larren 03-19-2008 03:17 PM

A few more minor things I noticed, that you may or may not know about, just trying to help! :)

On the action bar, when you press your character sheet button, the icon turns into a blank square.

On the action bar, you can only press the small anvill/tradeskills buton my moving your mouse to the very bottom of it, then clicking. Like the rest of the button is blocked by something.. not sure about that, wondering if it's something on my end?

Your active title, in the Character Journal, shows up with a checkered background.

Traits in the Journal show up with the checkered background.

Sorry if I'm repeating things you already know about. :)

Supermax 03-19-2008 05:14 PM

Lol oh no! I really appreciate this feedback. I'll get on it.

Gillor 03-21-2008 06:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi! I'm new here and wanted to test your UI (coz I love it ;))

I've got some problems, though

The values I entered in the SkinDefinition.xml file are (for 1280x1024) at line 38 :

<Element ID="ToolbarField" X="334" Y="939" Width="612" Height="85" Detach="1">
I suppose I'm doing something wrong, because that's what I get :

Beriadan 03-21-2008 08:50 AM

Try logging out of the game and then back in again.

This is required for changes to take effect when making changes to the xml file, the game needs to reload it.

Kirsche 03-21-2008 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Beriadan (Post 2648)
Try logging out of the game and then back in again.

This is required for changes to take effect when making changes to the xml file, the game needs to reload it.

QFT. Whenever you switch between skins that have different sized toolbars (or a default toolbar vs. an xml-manipulated one), the graphics will look wonky upon initially selecting the skin. A relog should fix it right up.

Supermax 03-21-2008 02:14 PM

Ok guys, I got around to fixing the assets that were missing. Here's the update info.


Riders of the Riddermark (ROTR) March 21/08 - AS IS v3


-Fixed the Journal button in the Toolbar, before it would display a gray box
-Fixed the Title Active selection, before it would display a gray box
-Fixed the Trait borders under the Equipped Traits tab in the Character
Journal, before they would display gray boxes
-Fixed Swarm Vitals and changed Basic Opponent Vitals, Swarm Vitals would
display gray box

Sorry about any inconveniences this may have caused.
Heres the link to the DL



The Scyphozoa 03-22-2008 12:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It doesn't work for me!!! I included a screenshot of the problem and my SkinDefinition.xml file to make sure I did it right. My screen resolution is 1440*900, and I'm pretty sure I did the XML right. Please help.

Beriadan 03-22-2008 12:50 PM

Did you quit the game and start it again after switching to the UI?

The game needs to reload the file.

The Scyphozoa 03-22-2008 02:00 PM

Well I edited the XML before I opened the game... okay I'll try that.

Gillor 03-22-2008 03:52 PM

Well it did work for me... Great UI

The only thing that didn't make it through is...

<Mapping ArtAssetID="swarm_vitals" FileName="Vitals/swarm_vitals.tga" />

no such file in this directory :D (latest Download v3)

Supermax 03-22-2008 04:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Son of a mother.. My Adobe Bridge messed up. Ok well I added the swarm_vitals.tga attachment. Just drop that in your Riders of the Riddermark\Vitals\ folder and everything should be gravy.

My bad.

The Scyphozoa 03-22-2008 04:20 PM

Wow... it's like you're cursed or something...

Supermax 03-22-2008 04:26 PM

Lol At this point I highly recommend using the new Eorlingas haha. Just kidding but it really is a great skin.

The Scyphozoa 03-22-2008 08:33 PM

I restarted the game and I have the same problem. Please help!

Beriadan 03-23-2008 09:00 AM

Ok lets see what we can do.

We can assume the UI is in the proper directory structure since you can see it in game.

As for the code, as per the directions in the SkinDefinition.xml file.

Not knowing what your resolution is here are a two widescreen and two normal screen resolutions as examples.

If one of these is not yours just substitute your numbers for X and Y.

If you're resolution is 1600 x 900 (Widescreen).
X = "x-value"
X = "(1600 - 612) / 2 = 494"
X = "494"

Y = "y-value"
Y = "900 - 85 = 815"
Y = "815"

If you're resolution is 1680 x 1050 (Widescreen).
X = "x-value"
X = "(1680- 612) / 2 = 534"
X = "534"

Y = "y-value"
Y = "1050 - 85 = 965"
Y = "965"

If you're resolution is 1280 x 1024.
X = "x-value"
X = "(1280 - 612) / 2 = 334"
X = "334"

Y = "y-value"
Y = "1024 - 85 = 939"
Y = "939"

If you're resolution is 1280 x 768.
X = "x-value"
X = "(1280 - 612) / 2 = 334"
X = "334"

Y = "y-value"
Y = "768 - 85 = 683"
Y = "683"

Now input the numbers that work with your resolution into the code:
1680 x 1050 (Widescreen) used in example below.

<PanelFile ID="toolbar">
<Element ID="ToolbarField" X="534" Y="965" Width="612" Height="85" Detach="1">

Now load the game select the UI accept it and then quit the game and log back in.

If the UI does not look right after this then I differ to the more knowledgable people here to help.

The Scyphozoa 03-23-2008 10:42 AM

I already told you what my resolution is. A few posts up I have my resolution and my SkinDefinition.xml file attached so that you could check if I did it right.

The Scyphozoa 03-23-2008 05:33 PM

Okay I figured it out. I didn't realize that it had to be the FIRST UI it loaded, as in leave it on when you exit. Great skin! Although may I ask why your minimap skin was not included?

Gillor 03-24-2008 12:53 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Two things I found (I don't know if they are already known)

The need or greed background is missing, and the "new talent" background is missing

Naajia 03-24-2008 01:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The Swarm Problem is still there !!
DL the Fixed Version the Swarm Vitals .tga is still broken !!
This ist der Original from the Fixed 3.1 DL :eek:

Otherwise this is my favourite UI Mod :)



Supermax 03-24-2008 10:34 AM

First, let me give you my deepest apologies. I understand that this is a beta still but your level of patience is unmatched.

Ok so

@Minimap Inquiry

The reason the minimap is not included is because the way I developed the skin requires some XML modification. I took the panel code for the minimap straight out of SkinDictionary.txt and nothing I do seems to adjust the positions and sizes of the panel. I've PMed Frosty, called him for help in multiple threads and I still haven't heard anything. I understand he's a busy guy but until I can accomplish adjusting the minimap panel I cannot include it. IF you guys wanted to:

a) Help me figure out whats up with the minimap panel xml data that would be cool. I'll give whoever helps me out a design credit.

b) Wait for me to develope an entirely new minimap template that doesn't require any respositioning of minimap assets, I could give it a shot.

@ Swarm Vitals

I am honestly taken back by how it still doesn't work. It'll be fixed tonight, I promise. Tonight will be my third attempt at fixing the Swarm Vitals (embarrasing.)

@ Other Missing Assets

Thanks for that feedback and I'll look into it tonight when I fix the Swarm Vitals.

Thanks for being patient. The end result will be worth it.

Gillor 04-11-2008 01:25 AM

Hi Supermax!

Are you still there? I can't wait for an update (well I can, but I wanted to know if you're still active ;-)

Supermax 04-11-2008 01:51 PM

Hey! Lol I'm still active. I'm just dealing with exams right now.. I'm really sorry for keeping you guys hanging like this. As much as I would love to finish the skin Im stuck doing University right now. I have some time to kill right now though.

Ui skin time!

jasonspeed 06-20-2009 08:31 AM

It's been a while. Any update on this great looking UI?

spr808 06-20-2009 05:21 PM

No pics?
:confused: Ummm...are there no more pics or Book 8 update of this UI? :confused:

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