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D.H1cks 09-03-2010 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Eili (Post 4410)
ok i made a simple test, i replaced my code with your code and suppress every other change i have, included the modification concerning the shop button.

Then applied the correct bottom letter.

The result is that the i have a repeat of the maintoolbar on my screen. I mean its well concerning the xpbar but it is like the bottom letter tga is not enough large to cover all my screen.

I am on 1680X1050 ratio 16/10

Did you modify the .tga from the download source ?

Yes I did actually. The version I uploaded is for 1280 wide resolution, I then changed my own later when I wanted the xp bar to go all the way across the bottom of my window at 1680. I guess that's part of the problem of trying to make skins work for many resolutions.

If you change the code I posted above to be 1280 wide instead of 1680, the repeating should go away.

Eili 09-04-2010 03:26 AM

Thanks for the help everyone.

After a long long time, I managed to do something temporary allowing me to wait for Frosty :)

This is not my creation, i just modify for my taste the great UI made by JAPPME.
(he is aware of it)

So the result is :
for 12 slots skills, with an alt to show the xp bar (as i could not suppress the new art, i simply avoided any change on those and just modified the other stuff)

and for a character level max

Is there a way to hide completely the Panel with the horse name ? (why oh why do they add so unpleasant buttons) ?

For 24 slots skills, alt

Charactere max

This is not perfect, but as i abused a little of my eyes today, it will be enough for now :D

Strangely, i had to code all that without any rules. I post below so you can see what i did : (i use the 1680x1050 resolution in game, 16/10);

For the 12 slots

        <PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_Toolbar">

                  <Element ID="ToolbarField" X="448" Y="900" Width="1024" Height="195">
                        <Element ID="Toolbar_Quickslot" X="318" Y="148" Width="420" Height="35" />
                        <Element ID="AutoAttackIndicatorButton" X="246" Y="129" Width="63" Height="63" />
                        <Element ID="ViolentModeIndicator" X="246" Y="129" Width="63" Height="63" />
                        <Element ID="ToolbarButton_AutoAttack_TutorialHighlight" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1" />
                          <Element ID="LevelMeterText" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1" />
                                <Element ID="GamePlay_FervorPipDisplay" X="223" Y="103" Width="90" Height="60" />
                                <Element ID="GamePlay_AimPipDisplay" X="223" Y="103" Width="90" Height="60" />
                                <Element ID="Gameplay_AtunementUI" X="223" Y="103" Width="90" Height="60">
                                <!--<Element ID="PipDisplay_Atunement_Pips" X="0" Y="0" Width="90" Height="60" /> -->
                        <Element ID="ToolBarButton_MainMenu" X="200" Y="145" Width="30" Height="42"> </Element>

For the 24 slots

        <PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_Toolbar">

                  <Element ID="ToolbarField" X="448" Y="900" Width="1024" Height="195">
                        <Element ID="Toolbar_Quickslot" X="100" Y="148" Width="840" Height="35" />
                        <Element ID="AutoAttackIndicatorButton" X="28" Y="129" Width="63" Height="63" />
                        <Element ID="ViolentModeIndicator" X="28" Y="129" Width="63" Height="63" />
                        <Element ID="ToolbarButton_AutoAttack_TutorialHighlight" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1" />
                          <Element ID="LevelMeterText" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1" />
                                <Element ID="GamePlay_FervorPipDisplay" X="17" Y="103" Width="90" Height="60" />
                                <Element ID="GamePlay_AimPipDisplay" X="17" Y="103" Width="90" Height="60" />
                                <Element ID="Gameplay_AtunementUI" X="17" Y="103" Width="90" Height="60">
                                <!--<Element ID="PipDisplay_Atunement_Pips" X="0" Y="0" Width="90" Height="60" /> -->
                        <Element ID="ToolBarButton_MainMenu" X="0" Y="155" Width="30" Height="42"> </Element>
                        <Element ID="ToolbarButton_CustomizeSlots" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"> </Element>

I found those new names files (i did not find them in Moria package)


I wonder if some are not the new art on the xp bar.

Good night everyone

Mirarkitty 09-04-2010 03:35 AM

The store button is controlled by


    <Mapping ArtAssetID="toolbar_webstore_button_pressed" FileName="..._pressed.tga"></Mapping>
    <Mapping ArtAssetID="toolbar_webstore_button_rollover" FileName="..._rollover.tga"></Mapping>
    <Mapping ArtAssetID="toolbar_webstore_button_normal" FileName="....tga"></Mapping>

        <Element ID="ToolbarField"                            X="196"  Y="800"  Width="1280" Height="200">
            <Element ID="Toolbar_WebstoreButton"              X="???" Y="???"  Width="???" Height="???">
            </Element> <!-- end WebstoreButton -->

and the two new slot buttons are


            <Element ID="ToolbarButton_RightSlot_6"              X="1316" Y="176"  Width="25" Height="25">
                <Element ID="CustomizableSlotButton_TutorialHighlight" X="0"    Y="0"    Width="25" Height="25">
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_LeftBorder"    X="0"    Y="0"    Width="3" Height="25"></Element>
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_BottomBorder"  X="3"    Y="22"  Width="19" Height="3"></Element>
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_RightBorder"    X="22"  Y="0"    Width="3" Height="25"></Element>
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_TopBorder"      X="3"    Y="0"    Width="19" Height="3"></Element>
                </Element> <!-- end CustomizableSlotButton_TutorialHighlight -->
            </Element> <!-- end ToolbarButton_RightSlot_6 -->
            <Element ID="ToolbarButton_RightSlot_7"              X="1346" Y="176"  Width="25" Height="25">
                <Element ID="CustomizableSlotButton_TutorialHighlight" X="0"    Y="0"    Width="25" Height="25">
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_LeftBorder"    X="0"    Y="0"    Width="3" Height="25"></Element>
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_BottomBorder"  X="3"    Y="22"  Width="19" Height="3"></Element>
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_RightBorder"    X="22"  Y="0"    Width="3" Height="25"></Element>
                    <Element ID="TutorialHighlighter_TopBorder"      X="3"    Y="0"    Width="19" Height="3"></Element>
                </Element> <!-- end CustomizableSlotButton_TutorialHighlight -->
            </Element> <!-- end ToolbarButton_RightSlot_7 -->

The new elements seems to be under ToolbarField like the old buttons.

Mirarkitty 09-04-2010 03:59 AM


Moving those way outside the frame got rid of them anyway...

Eili 09-04-2010 04:14 AM

Thanks for sharing this.

I will test that tomorrow i think :cool:

As for the

Moving those way outside the frame got rid of them anyway...

if only i knew how to do that hahahaha.

One day i will for sur

Mirarkitty 09-04-2010 04:29 AM

Just insert the elements under the ToolbarField Element:

    <PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_Toolbar">
        <Element ID="ToolbarField"                            X="196"  Y="800"  Width="1280" Height="200">
<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain_LevelMeter_Left_Cap" X="1400" Y="10" Width="25" Height="25"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain_LevelMeter_Right_Cap" X="1400" Y="10" Width="25" Height="25"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarButton_Restxp_TutorialHighlight" X="1400" Y="10" Width="25" Height="25"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain_LevelMeter_Mid_Left_Cap" X="1400" Y="10" Width="25" Height="25"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain_LevelMeter_Mid_Right_Cap" X="1400" Y="10" Width="25" Height="25"></Element>
<Element ID="ToolbarFieldMain_LevelMeter_Glass_Overlay" X="1400" Y="10" Width="25" Height="25"></Element>
<Element ID="LevelMeter_Overlay" X="1400" Y="10" Width="25" Height="25"></Element>

1400 should be way outside any normal toolbar. If not, try 14000.... :)

Hmm, I would suspect the levelmeter_overlay maybe should be under the levelmeter element... I'll try that.

D.H1cks 09-04-2010 06:29 AM

One thing to keep in mind is that setting any element to width=1 and height=1 should disable the element from being displayed.

But, I have not tested that with every element myself.

daimon 09-04-2010 07:28 AM

Nice one Kitty, I don't know where you got those xp tags but nice.

Anyways the main problem with the store button is now the hard coded "Lotro store" text that appears above the lotro store button art on the mainbar.

If you design a skin with the basic mainbar art in mind (like my Uni version, or Durin's for example) to get rid of that text you have to edit tags below <PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_Toolbar">. Once you touch those tags the skin will break as you have to set in values for ID="ToolbarField".

The game itself knows how to change those values for stock UI but once you have those values in a custom skindef they only work for one resolution and addition to that switching between fullscreen and windowed mode displaces the mainbar.

I just wish there would be some other way to get rid of the "Lotro Store" text but guess there won't be any other viable option. That means the text will remain or the skin will be too hard to maintain for all resolutions etc.

The button itself doesn't annoy me much as it can be easily skinned but the text over it is ARGHHH!!

Eili 09-04-2010 09:12 AM

To Mirarkitty : thank you very much for the coding, going to try it now

To Daimon : What about something with .LUA that would hide the button and only let it appear when you roll over it ?

Marll 09-04-2010 10:04 AM

I don't think that the current Lua implementation that is going live will allow scripts to interact with sections of the UI in this way. Hopefully at some point they will.

I'd like to see maybe the store button either go away, or turn it into a small button on the minimap frame like the lorebook is now.

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