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Eili 02-10-2011 08:18 PM

UI Interface no more possible ?
After 4 months of a loud silence concerning Lotro interface Art Assets, i guess that Lotro decided to not authorize further any changes.

No words. Nothing. Sometimes i would prefer a Go to hell than beeing ignored that way. But well they can do what they want so ....:(

The news panels are horrible and without help it will be very hard to modify those.

Sad very sad.

daimon 02-11-2011 01:57 AM

I partly agree. Not the first time though but I have hope Frosty or someone else will give us new art asset pack eventually. Turbine haven't shown the skinning community that much value in the past either so there's nothing new even that we help them for free in exception of a few of their employees.

Eili 02-11-2011 10:17 AM


I posted that on the Lotro forum.

if we are lucky we will have an answer, if not well :(

Though checking Frosty profile on this site i noticed :
Frosty Frosty is offline
Tools and UI Engineer
Frosty's Avatar
Last Activity: 02-08-2011 04:40 PM

So he is totally aware of our requests but definitly choose to ignore them - Thank you Sir
Very very sad indeed

Brygard2007 02-11-2011 11:34 AM

Frosty did mention he had to go to the legal department and some other place to get permission.

Also I faintly recall Frosty no longer is part of the Lotro Ui team which i thought he was.

What Frosty done is made some kind a program that let him extract the art asset and the skindefinition file's etc with permission.

But the the whole thing about Ui skinning is not supported officially by Turbine.

Frosty done this on his spare time and with permission.

So your question is valid about if turbine is not letting Frosty released the skin art asset.

I think Turbine doesnt want to expose the art asset and the code for the buy button.

Cause with the code we could disable that button with directory info.

Eili 02-11-2011 11:59 AM

I understand perfectly but then they could simplay say it rather than let us wait and hope.

But i asked Devs to delete my post on Lotro Forums, i so much hate drama and this is getting on me right now when i dont need that at all.

I should know that i must not post as immediatly people jump on my back.

I am on the edge to leave Lotro actually, thank to Yula.


Brygard2007 02-11-2011 12:09 PM

Ah don't leave.
Sorry that that's how it turn out,mostly its better then that but don't know.

Just hang in there.:)

Silverangel 02-11-2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Eili (Post 6142)

This link is dead now, did the discussion get moved somewhere? Deleted? I do not find it.

Eili 02-12-2011 03:40 AM

Someone did not appreciate that i ask if the rules for UI making were changed.

I was accused of conspiracy and to be a trouble maker.
As i hate drama, and i dont need to cry for that, i asked the Devs to delete the post after that turn out as a personal attack against me by one of the player.

I just noticed though that my reputation was raised by 6 points only with that thread. So i guess i was not in the wrong by asking.

But when it comes to personal attack nothing good can come from that.

Sorry. We will never have an answer.

Silverangel 02-12-2011 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Eili (Post 6147)
I just noticed though that my reputation was raised by 6 points only with that thread. So i guess i was not in the wrong by asking.

Only six? :p Ok, now you have more for your official discussion post (I think). Thanks for asking these questions.

Eili 02-12-2011 02:17 PM

:p Thank you, you just made my day with your gesture.

Anyway i work my way through the data to try to find the new names panels.
Who knows may be we can find some background and border allowing us to at least give some unity to our UI.

On Bullroarer the 4th Tab Deed Log adorn works finally (the one on the Race Epic ....)

geo111 02-12-2011 05:50 PM

I don't think that you were wrong with what you asked. It is too bad that your post was deleted, I would have liked to read it.

I also think that LOTRO has an overabundance of fanboys.

daimon 02-13-2011 07:47 AM

If Frosty is out of the picture then we might have a real problem. If we don't have anyone from the UI dev team with us then that would mean the end of skinning eventually (or a change that the future skins would at least partly be made with Lua instead of the old way - thinking about mainbar here - but that won't happen for awhile anyways).

Sorry to hear about the flamers Eili. There's always people like that.

Anyways until we know more the only way to get the skins updated is for the people asking a Skin Art Pack update for us skinners. If not - I'm afraid there will be no updates on the existing skins.

Dunno if we should wait for a bit longer for the new char panel to go live for example and start requiring answers after that or should we hit the barricades right now.

Meantime you can make (any of you) a request behalf of us skinners in here so they don't forget us:

unclecid 02-13-2011 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by daimon (Post 6155)
If Frosty is out of the picture then we might have a real problem. If we don't have anyone from the UI dev team with us then that would mean the end of skinning eventually (or a change that the future skins would at least partly be made with Lua instead of the old way - thinking about mainbar here - but that won't happen for awhile anyways).

Sorry to hear about the flamers Eili. There's always people like that.

Anyways until we know more the only way to get the skins updated is for the people asking a Skin Art Pack update for us skinners. If not - I'm afraid there will be no updates on the existing skins.

Dunno if we should wait for a bit longer for the new char panel to go live for example and start requiring answers after that or should we hit the barricades right now.

Meantime you can make (any of you) a request behalf of us skinners in here so they don't forget us:

or better yet add to the thread i started >>>HERE<<<

i posted essentially the same thing as Eili and no flaming...

so lets keep it alive an hopefully someone will see it on monday

as for eili's post..i read it...and i can see how some might have misconstrued what was being said because the overall tone of the post to me was one of frustration....but someone else may have seen it otherwise and made a knee-jerk flame...

or it just be those folks dont like Eili for some unknown reason

either way lets keep my post alive...and flame free


daimon 02-13-2011 09:17 AM

I send Frosty a PM. Let us hope he can give an answer. He has done so much good for this community in the past - only thing is if he will be able to respond because of his contract with Turbine.

unclecid 03-30-2011 10:39 PM

ok..finally got a response to my thread


in which Sap says this:


While Frosty is still here at Turbine, he is no longer involved directly with the UI skinning system. However, i've pointed those who are actively involved with the system to this thread and impressed upon them how important this issue is to the community. No promises, but they did agree to look into a fully updated asset pack as soon as time permits.
so...not great news...but at least we got some acknowledgement...just need to keep that thread alive so they dont forget.


Eili 03-31-2011 08:52 AM

After beeing ignored for months at least we finally have an answer.

What will be the result ...... i cross fingers and put all my hope on it :)

unclecid 03-31-2011 09:17 AM

and on a side note....i have gotten a perma ban it seems ( no email yet explaining the ban) for things i said in that thread and in others pointing out Turbine's faults....


Justin12221 03-31-2011 12:40 PM

Wow, I never noticed how much of an urgency this has become.

I'd love to keep seeing new cool UIs coming in.

elderban 04-01-2011 07:54 PM

That's the problem with Turbine...stuff gets introduced into the game, and then it gets pushed to the wayside without even a word as to why.

Hobbies, housing and UI's are just an example.

I am willing to bet that LUA scripting will eventually be dropped as well, and all of the community programmers will be left in the dark about it.

Wicked Mouse 04-02-2011 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sapience @ Turbine
While Frosty is still here at Turbine, he is no longer involved directly with the UI skinning system. However, i've pointed those who are actively involved with the system to this thread and impressed upon them how important this issue is to the community. No promises, but they did agree to look into a fully updated asset pack as soon as time permits.

Help should be on the way :)

Justin12221 04-02-2011 02:43 PM

I'd like to see more to do with housing and hobbies.

The game itself is one of the better games I've played, but I always have mixed to negative feelings about Turbine.

dreamingxashley 06-10-2011 01:27 PM

If we are lucky, maybe we will get an Asset pack when Isengard releases.

ZhuHanuku 06-10-2011 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by dreamingxashley (Post 6642)
If we are lucky, maybe we will get an Asset pack when Isengard releases.

Ha! That's funny.
(Oops, did I just say that out loud?)

hobo11 06-14-2011 01:59 PM

I need to ask,
since on one comented on it, Unclecid on page 2 of this topic gives a link to the forum post at lotro to give suport to the modders.
2 posts later (over a month) he says that atleast there has been some acknowledgement to the post, then the next day he says
"and on a side note....i have gotten a perma ban it seems ( no email yet explaining the ban) for things i said in that thread and in others pointing out Turbine's faults....".

I went through that thread, I didnt see any thing that waranted baning some one, i realy hope that ban got lifted, thats a turn of events i dont think i like, if your vocal about changes or some thing that you dont like, to quiet you up they just ban your account, and its gona urk me off if they discontinue moding all together. there ui is terible in many ways, and I my self like having options available.

Gaylen 07-22-2011 07:51 PM

Late reply, but, I agree with Hobo. There's a lot about Turbine policies to be unhappy with.

I also agree with the comment upthread about the store button. But I'd take it a step further. They know we want to remove all of the store buttons. If I were still playing and skinning, that would be my first priority. I hate them. I'd strip every last one out. And the bean counters don't want that to be possible.

Cairenn 07-22-2011 11:26 PM

You missed the conversation, it seems. Narrel posted this back in June.

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