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stuartmedium 06-03-2007 07:35 AM

An AUCTIONEER interface would be the bomb!!! As anyone knows who has used them in WoW etc... they are invaluable, and I believe should be a regular part of games that have auction houses anyway.
You still have to put your time in at the auction house, it just makes it more fun to make money, and did I mention easier!
I'll be jumping at it as soon as I see it. All other Mods aside, these are the one's people really want. Later...

stuartmedium 06-03-2007 08:01 AM

Auctionner Pt:2
I read shortly after posting that Turbine isn't allowing any interface changes besides to skins. While I applaud them in keeping the game free of such changes in order to keep a cleaner game and an even playing field for all players(I hope?) , some P.C. users feel it's their right to be able to modify programs they purchase. I'm happy with the game as is for the most part. I'm sure it shall be streamlined over time, more polished as it were, but please make the necessary changes to the auction houses TURBINE!!!
If they will not let others modify it, please modify it yourselves. Making money at the Auction House is a lot of fun to some players. We should be able to scan the whole thing. In middle earth it would be easy to see "a list of all items" and we should be able to save our findings. I put enough hours into the game already, without having to break out a pen and paper and spend hours upon hours in the AH. Even with a more "friendly" system in place, I will spend a lot of time there anyhow.
I enjoy playing the game as is anyway, and will continue to do so. All I ask is this... improve the AH system, or add a Banker Vocation(he would be the Mod/ would have scanning abilities etc..)good idea... no... YES!!!

Aalwein 06-03-2007 10:33 AM

heck, just having the filters in the existing AH WORK PROPERLY would be super!

As I've said before, everyone finds enjoyment in the games in different ways. Some people like to run about and kill everything they can find. Some people like to be that master tradesman (which is limited by Turbine further when certain recipes and trade skilling tools can't be used unless you reach a certain adventure level). Other people love to sit at that auction house and buy and sell items like stock market day traders. Still others, like the authors at this site, love to turn the game interface into something the developers could never have done on their own.

Every successful mmo in the past has enabled their players to modify the UI to extreme extent. Everquest and Everquest 2 are great examples, but World of Warcraft just blows away the modding community with the scripting and XML system. Dungeon and Dragons Online, which runs the same engine and LoTRO, does not and look where it stands among the mmos... not so hot.

Hopefully Turbine realizes they HAVE to let us smash this UI or they will miss out on a big portion of business. I, for one, won't be playing very much longer if they don't at least promise us much more UI customization via modding.

AncientWolf 06-03-2007 10:43 PM

There are just as many successful games historically that have minimalistic UI modding capabilities.

That said, while Id love everything to be able to be modded, Turbine has said we wont see as in depth modification abilities as we had with WoW.

From a developer standpoint, I'm glad it may not go that extreme- it opened up too many problems for developers and users alike.

Judging by the amount of business LoTRO has right now, I think its safe to say they dont have many worries as it is.

Aalwein 06-04-2007 12:00 AM

Surely some simple XML coding can only enhance the UI and allow modders to do most of what that want. I'm not asking for WoW, I'd just like something like EQ. Being able to change the layers of graphics (ie. putting the xp bar "fill" beneath the xp bar graphic) and change the general look and shape of windows... making one bag mods... having stats display at all times (a la FuBar)... little things like that.

I don't necessarily want full LUA scripting so I can change the way the UI interacts with the game ... just XML markup so I can change the way it all looks - something more than just skin deep.

stuartmedium 06-04-2007 07:05 AM

Auctioneer Pt:3
Thanks for the responses guys, and I agree with both of you, sort of. A player should be able to modify the game to their liking, but not at the expense of playability for others. Obviously. As I said earlier, I just hope they make changes to the AH Interface. I'm happy with being able to change the skins for my mood, and I like that I'm able to move most of the on screen things through the UI modification option.
I was away from computers for a while until this past January, when I picked up World of Warcraft. I enjoyed that game bigtime. When I purchased a new video card it was all the better...so smooth. Yet after playing Lotr I find it hard to get back into Warcraft. I like the analogy some one made in an earlier forum, " I found it strange at first, but after playing for a week or so, I went back to WoW, and it was too much like a Pokemon game". I like that. Lord of the Rings is nicer to look at, and it takes place in Middle Earth. Add to that that I'm involved with Lotr Online since almost the beginning, and I won't be renewing my WoW account for a while. Just change the AH interface TURBINE!!! PLEASE!!!
P.S . Yes the filter's don't seem to work properly as is.
P.P.S. Another thing I noticed after getting my new Card was how SMOOTH WoW actually ran compared to Lotr. I chalked this up to experience(WoW's 5 years to Lotr's 5 months..lol) and the fact that there appears to be so much more going on per screen in Lotr.

Aalwein 06-04-2007 09:02 AM

WoW being old and the fact that Blizzard went with a graphics engine that emphasized color instead of polygons will have it running smoother than LoTRO. But as you said, Rings is SO much more prettier than WoW.

I like that analogy, here's a modification (since I love mods, lol) ... WoW is to Pikachu as LoTRO is to Jessica Alba

Eloora 06-19-2007 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Aalwein (Post 1077)
I like that analogy, here's a modification (since I love mods, lol) ... WoW is to Pikachu as LoTRO is to Jessica Alba

Taking bets on whether there will be a Jessica Alba Pikachu hybrid at the next Cosplay event.

Aalwein 06-19-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Eloora (Post 1194)
Taking bets on whether there will be a Jessica Alba Pikachu hybrid at the next Cosplay event.

That's hot!

anei 06-20-2007 11:27 AM

in my humble opinion (and since this is my first post, im sure its not worth anything to you :P), Auctioneer was one of the most overrated and over-used addon in the entire wow game!0

the idea behind the mod, and the scripting of the mod was a thing of genius, and full credit must go to the origional authors, however, in reality it was a broken mod, that encouraged bad behaviour.

For example, if you log into the game and type in something as basic as 'Netherweave Cloth', you'll no doubt see someone (or in some cases, lots of people) selling a few stacks for 100g-999g. This use to be believed that it was for the 'typo' user, who would accidently pay 999g for a stack, thinking he was paying 99silver or something - however in actual fact, what he was doing was making everyones auctioneer say the cloth is worth more than it was.

As the addon works in percentages, it would feed that number into the calculation, making the overall average more expensive and therefore, seem good to buy it at that inflated price. Because of this simple exploit in the addon, it renders this addon useless.


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