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londarhawk 11-26-2010 05:50 PM

How do I adapt another plugin
I'm am thinking of adapting the ENO plugin for in game combat messages like a set of helps (i.e. Jump if you need help, HELP! etc.) and for Drawing mobs (I'll/you/Let's draw the left/middle/right or targeted mob), for deciding which mobs to attack (I'll/You/Let's take the left/middle/right or targeted mob), Mezing mobs (I'll/you/Let's Mez the left/middle/right or targeted mob).
Do I need the originals plugin's author's permisson to do the adapting?

The thing is I haven't done any programming in 20 years and haven't a clue how to start or even go about doing it. Any suggestions on where to look for instructions on LUA programming? Or just on adapting another plugin? and

L Hawk

daimon 11-26-2010 07:25 PM

It would be good to have original author's permission yes. At least that is what I require if someone is using my work.

Like Led Mirage once put it:

Do not take my work, use it to make a new skin and then do nothing to acknowledge the use of my work. While it is very flattering to see my work used throughout many other themes and many of you actually acknowledge it in your descriptions (thanks!), it is quite annoying and discouraging to find "new" skins using my work without a single mention of doing so and in some cases even bragging about all original work made from scratch, please do not do this, all it does is detract me from releasing updates more often.
In case you can't contact the original author and therefore use things without one's blessing remember to credit the original author properly :)

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