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Emberleaf 02-17-2011 10:01 PM

Friends List Plugin?
Hello all,

I would very much like to see a friends list plugin for LOTRO that would improve upon the existing method of alerting you that a friend has come online or gone offline. I am constantly missing the small text alert due to chat spam, and well...it's annoying. :P

What I am envisioning is a scrollable, resizeable and moveable window (preferably with a transparent background) that would reside on the main game screen. All your friends in your friends list would be here with their names being either grayed out (offline), blue (AFK) or bright yellow (online). This would enable you to see your friends' status at a glance instead of opening up the social window or hoping you see an alert in your chat window.

Is this even possible? If it is, I would be eternally grateful to any of you plugin wizards out there who could make it a reality. Thank you very much in advance! =)

Emberleaf 02-21-2011 09:21 AM

Wow...97 views and not a single comment? :\

daimon 02-21-2011 10:29 AM

well. I don't think it's doable yet as Lua writers can't interract with those things. But interesting idea for the future I'm sure.

Vinny 02-28-2011 01:29 PM

This is not possible with the current Lua API and with the slow rate of feature additions, I doubt that it will be possible in the next year. :(

omegatay 01-02-2015 12:27 PM

Its been a few years now. Has the API changed at all to perhaps make this possible now.. Basically, anything that would help making your friends standout when they come online would be nice..


Thurallor 01-02-2015 01:16 PM

The only source of information available to Lua plugins for whether your friends are logged in is the chat window.

So, when you first log in, there is no way for a plugin to know which of your friends are online. It also can't know which people are on your friends list; you would have to manually enter them.

However, a plugin could easily monitor the chat window for messages such as "Your friend X has just logged in" and display a big message in the middle of your screen (I think there is already at least one plugin that will do this), or update some sort of window as described in the OP.

At login, there is a clunky way that a plugin could find out which of your friends is online. Each time you log in, you would have to click a button n times, where n is the number of friends you have. This button would execute the "/inspect X" chat window command to find out whether each person is logged in.

Edit: Check out Garan's LotRO Alerts plugin, which allows you to monitor the chat window for specific messages, and blow them up in the center of the screen.

omegatay 01-02-2015 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Thurallor (Post 11546)
However, a plugin could easily monitor the chat window for messages such as "Your friend X has just logged in" and display a big message in the middle of your screen (I think there is already at least one plugin that will do this), or update some sort of window as described in the OP.

Something like this would be perfect. I have looked through the mods and did not see any titles that stood out as having this. If its built into another mod that does other stuff, could take forever to find it. Would like something simple.

Thanks for your response!!

Thurallor 01-02-2015 01:41 PM

If Garan has time, maybe he could add another entry to the LotRO Alerts FAQ showing you how to configure LotRO Alerts to do what you want.

omegatay 01-02-2015 02:24 PM

That would be very kind if he was willing to do so, or a quick guide here explaining how to set it up..

thanks again.

Thurallor 01-02-2015 09:49 PM

I went ahead and made a small plugin to do the job. It's called Friend Alert.

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