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Unread 10-10-2017, 01:56 PM
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Garan Garan is offline
The Undying
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 344
This is a neat idea. It is possible to work around the limit on the location (Lua has no programmatic access to location, only the chat response to the /loc command) by adding a "Look around" button that allows the player to test the location they are at (by issuing the /loc chat command) to see if they are in the correct location. As to repeating an objective and having optional objectives, there's no reason that couldn't be included - it's just a matter of planning the plugin so that objectives can contain multiple conditions. Also as you already guessed, this is VERY similar to what LotRO Alerts already does and isn't really that much more complicated than having an alert with multiple triggers (which is actually possible - in fact, using code snippets, you can have one alert that dynamically generates the definition of another alert).

As to in-game interaction, you are sort of correct, the stories would be limited in terms of rewards. However, there are kins that like to promote special events like scavenger hunts and murder mysteries where such a plugin might be able to play an interesting role and any reward could come from the kin sponsoring the event. Unfortunately, it would be fairly hard to prevent cheating (players could examine the plugin to determine how to fake completing objectives), so the entire event would have to be on the 'honor' system. Perhaps the scripts could be pre-shared such as being uploaded as 'add-ons' to the plugin.

I'll have to give it a bit more thought, as the plugin needs an 'Author' mode and a 'Player' mode and some way to communicate the script to the player(s) - actually very similar to a plugin I wrote for synchronizing horse back riding for a group practicing quadrille (not publicly available as it was specific to that kinship) combined with the multi-player version of Cards where a dealer controls the deck for a group of players (also not publicly available... yet... ).

I was just considering another trigger event could be having an effect placed on the character or having the character target an object or character (we can detect changes of target as well as the effects list on characters). Also, perhaps equipping a particular item could be a trigger as we have access to the equipped items list. Hmmmm, lots of potential...

Last edited by Garan : 10-10-2017 at 02:18 PM.
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