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Unread 07-27-2019, 04:20 PM
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Garan Garan is offline
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Agollas
Yeah, i got around finding the sender issue using the xml(i think?) tags to identify the player. I've also started a log as part of the plug in, so that when the name is mentioned again, it will be displayed with the tag, so that you can access the right click menu.

I'm trying to make a chat plugin that lets you rename other players (and has the option to automatically rename them if it detects that they don't fit with "lore etc."), among other things. It's all working fine, apart from when you try to send a tell to a person who's been renamed, (particularly when done by right click on name + send tell). The right clicking works, but it then sends a tell to the new name (in brackets to stop accidentally sending it to the wrong person).

Now I just need to work out a way of capturing that outgoing failed tell, to correct it with the right name, then i can have a hidden alias button to send it to the correct person.

Any ideas for alternatives?
Interesting idea, but how do you prevent your plugin from using an alternate name that actually exists? For instance player xyz gets renamed in your plugin as misterX. What if another character already exists called misterX or a new character gets created called misterX? Isn't that likely to create some issues?

I see now why the outgoing message is an issue for you, unfortunately I don't have any advice on this one. I'll let you know if I think of anything.
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