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Unread 04-13-2011, 08:20 PM
Scaliper Scaliper is offline
The Wary
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 3
Possible to get Plugin for Original UI(or close)? that I've found the right forum (again, big sorry to those making the rounds in the other requests room), I'm searching as hard as I can for a way to go back to the LotRO UI as it was before the f2p switch, or at least something close. The new crafting panel started to annoy me a good bit, and the new character screen really pushed me over the edge. So far I have come up with nothing, which could be either the fact that my search-fu skills aren't as good as they could be, or that it hasn't been done. Now, I know pretty much nothing about programming in general, so a few questions:
1) Is it possible to make a plugin that would change one's UI to the setup and functionality of pre-f2p, or at least something close?
2) If it is possible, has it been done, and, if so, where could I find it?
3) If it's possible and has not been done, would anybody be willing to take a swing at it, or at least give pointers to a programming know-nothing on how to do it?

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