Syntax error identifed
Graphical error
Problem removing art off bottom of mainbar solved(See eighth post below).
Assett ID's are :
<Mapping ArtAssetID="letterbox_bottom_left_cap" FileName="invisible.tga"></Mapping>
<Mapping ArtAssetID="letterbox_bottom_left_mid_cap" FileName="invisible.tga"></Mapping>
<Mapping ArtAssetID="letterbox_bottom_right_cap" FileName="invisible.tga"></Mapping>
<Mapping ArtAssetID="letterbox_bottom_right_mid_cap" FileName="invisible.tga"></Mapping>
I have now got the game to stop crashing. It turns out(to best of my investigation) that some of the files I had saved - probably the .tga - were corrupt. I obtained a fresh copy from the LOTRO UI database, and the game loads fine.
Additionally, most of the main features of the build still work as intended. The only glaring issue now is that the original LOTRO main menu bar at the bottom of the screen has returned.
It's spread over half the screen. It reminds me of one of the old common issues when skins were first coming out, and people were not exiting and relaunching the client after applying the skin in-game. They'd get this big toolbar mess. In my .xml file, it is removed intentionally.
I think it may have to do with the coordinates of the toolbar's letterbox. I have attempted to move it around, to see if that makes a difference, but no joy.
Furthering that, I've gone ahead and got an up to date version of Deewe's skin(since this all started back in Yessh 1.4).
I've checked the calculations and made adjustments where I think would be appropriate for 2560 resolution. It looks good on paper, but when I go into the game, it doesn't see the skin at all!
So my old copy without any adjustments for 2560 res, seems to be broken no matter what resolution I attempt to use it with.
The new copy for 2560, simply doesn't present itself as an option.
Thanks Daimon for your interest, maybe you could still have a look regarding the returned menu bar and also advise any suggestions in general.
Original post below, in case it helps anyone in the future:
Hey all,
I've been away from Lotro since the beginning of this year and have not updated my skin since about July of last year (officially speaking).
[If interested]
There's two resolution adjustments that I have neglected in the past year, and have decided now to go ahead and make those due to player requests.
I knew going back into this that there would be some updated features that I would have to tackle i.e. the Moria item advancement or stuff from Mirkwood etc. However not being up to speed on any of the new assetts, I went ahead and loaded up LOTRO with my skin just to see where things were out of place and to take some general notes about the changes.
Unfortunately, as soon as I select my skin in game, the client crashes with a generic/general appcrash.
I'm assuming this is a syntax error(which others have suggested as well).
Problem is that 'syntax' is kinda vague, leaving me to only guess that part of my .xml file is faulty. Note that it hasn't changed since it last worked a year ago, thus it cannot be a simple typo. There's something I need to change or add that I don't yet recognize.
Would anyone be willing to have a skim through and see if they can identify what might be the problem?
I've attached the file, keep in mind I will be modifying this for 2560 resolution (and 1680 by request) as soon as I can identify what's causing the UI to fail.
Any help would be most appreciated as I feel I owe it to all the minimalistic UI fans out there, to keep this one alive.