Originally Posted by Thanatos
Sorry, I didn't see the forum this was in, it was on the recent threads list.
How would they have the time to keep up with suggestions on fan sites, when the majority of their own suggestion forum goes unread?
Well, I cannot post on the suggestion forum, as due to being a EU customer I cannot write on the US Forum. And the EU board is as it seems not directly read by devs (they get some stuff forwarded by codemasters, but still not much reaction to posts on the EU Forum ever, while on the US Forum a lot of dev
reaction is seen).
Actually, related, I would really like it if someone could post on the US Forum
about my damage meter/combat log analyzer project. I will set up a webpage
for the project soon and post here about it.
Also if any dev could answer when /damagetext will be fixed this would be great! If I could use this command to set up the combat log to report other people's activities, this would make my log analyzer much more powerful. But right now it seems the /damagetext command just gives some error message
It has been asked by someone else on the User Interface Board on the US Forum a long time ago, but no official answer yet