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Unread 02-10-2008, 06:56 PM
Gax Gax is offline
The Indomitable
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How is it that you are colorizing the whole interface?
Are you opening each file or is there some batch process?

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Unread 02-10-2008, 09:58 PM
Zornochio Zornochio is offline
The Wary
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For Photoshop 7:

Open an image then open the Action window.

Make a new Action, It will now start recording all the changes you make to the image. Hit stop (on the action window) when you are done, You can delete/move/etc... steps in the action like layers in an image. The Action window isn't a whole lot different than the Layer window, so if you can use layers you'll be able to figure out the Actions.

When you are ready to apply the action to a set of images go to File > Automate > Batch ...

  • Select the action you just made
  • Set the Source dropdown to 'Folder'
  • Click the 'Choose' button to set the folder you want to process
  • For Destination you can do 'Save and Close' to overwrite the current images or set it to 'Folder' and save the changes as new files.
  • I would also recommend changing the Error box at the bottom to 'Log Errors to File', if you leave it on 'Stop for Errors' you'll click 'OK' then 'Continue' a LOT since there are many small files that some filters won't work on
  • Click 'OK' and take a quick bio break

- - - - - - - -
When I tried this using blending options in my action It tried to save all the images as .psd and a confirmation box poped up for each one. I got around it by putting two more steps in the action: Add new layer, Merge Visible Layers.

- - - - - - - -

It may also be a good idea to go in before the changes and separate different types of images to different folders. That way you can make a separate batch file for all the small buttons, the gui screens, and other misc items that you may want to edit manually.
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Unread 02-12-2008, 07:09 AM
Keeyrah Keeyrah is offline
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Yeah I just run a batch process over everything because I'm lazy and wanted to
test it.

Sorry for the delay, M6 came live in Europe on Thursday and I had to beat the
raid first

Firstly, make the fitting folder in your DDO screenshot folder and copy the images
in. I didn't get it to work anywhere else. The guide on the DDO forums really
drove me mad because it just wouldn't work for me.

Pick one random image and copy it someplace else. You'll need it as trial image
to create the script.

Open the trial image/drag it into PSP.
  • File -> Script -> Start recording
    • Adjust (5th option in the worded menu line)
    • Colour & Saturation
    • Colourize (SHIFT L)
    • Choose a colour and saturation. (blue and pink were both 100%)
    • Save the file
  • File -> Script -> Save recorded

In your PSP folder you have two scripts folders. You need to save it in Scripts (trustworthy) or it will spit out an error message when you run the batch process.
  • File -> Batch process
    • Choose your script. You'll see the option in the middle of the window.
    • Browse - choose your skin folder and click select all.
    • Click start (2nd group of buttons to the right, middle button) and wait.

This takes a few minutes but then it's done. Just make sure you follow the rest
of the instrutions on how to rename the skin and where to put the files to make
it work.

Hope this makes sense.
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