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Unread 03-16-2011, 07:50 PM
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The Undying
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Compendium Assistance

Compendium is still in beta, and a work in progress. Compendium is an in-game database of reference information.

I've used similar addons in wow, like Atlas (for items/loot/crafting), Lightheaded (For quest coordinates / comments). Wow has a lot going for it as its api is matured, and exposes enough to make data gathering easy. LoTRO at this stage is not, so I'm left with either

1) resources available online
2) manual user data submission
3) lotro data files (although I understand this is not allowed)

To flesh out the basic shell of Compendium DB currently, I have gone the route of #1. What I could use help with is ideas for now adding #2.

Manual user data submission has three big things to consider IMO.

1) how to adjust UI of an addon to allow easy annotating of many different data elements, with limited UI screen space, but at same time not complex enough that average user wouldn't bother doing.

2) how to collect data
a) user zip up PluginData subfolder data & email (or upload) on web???
b) external app installation that sits in task tray occasionally sending data

3) is there any way / incentive for users to participate in this?
a) partner with other like minded people? lotro-wiki, zam, .... ?
b) build a community of people that contribute back to community. This is similar to what addon developer are basically doing already. We make free software that others benefit from, but benefit each in our own way.
c) any others ???

The other question I had is what types of information would be useful to LoTRO players? The other idea I had was similar to WoW's Atlas Loot, that showed the loot tables for raid bosses, etc.. I've had someone suggest a deed component as well..

Thank you for your time.
Author of Lotro Compendium, Waypoint, and Lotro Plugin Compendium (LPC)
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Unread 03-20-2011, 03:19 PM
Felgercarb Felgercarb is offline
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Thanks for all the work you put into this. It's a huge resource. I'm not a programmer, but I do have a couple of pointers for you though from the user end. Get people interested by filling a current demand. Off the top of my head, I see two things this might be able to do that people want badly. They want to show and compare Legendary Items. If you reconfigured your tags to be able to filter for legendary, then they might begin using it more. Secondly, give them the ability to paste into chat what they filter.
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Unread 03-21-2011, 03:23 AM
wackafoo wackafoo is offline
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I like game info in game. When I was on WoW I had atlus, quest helper, some ore tracker, and the best one of them all. A monster loot tracker! As you fight and mobs drop stuff it would list it. And the next time you hover over the mob, it would list all the items that mob dropped. By far the most useful plugin I had! It had a huge shared database.
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Unread 03-21-2011, 09:10 AM
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lunarwtr lunarwtr is offline
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Felgercarb
Thanks for all the work you put into this. It's a huge resource. I'm not a programmer, but I do have a couple of pointers for you though from the user end. Get people interested by filling a current demand. Off the top of my head, I see two things this might be able to do that people want badly. They want to show and compare Legendary Items. If you reconfigured your tags to be able to filter for legendary, then they might begin using it more. Secondly, give them the ability to paste into chat what they filter.
The filter for legendary shouldn't be that difficult. I thought I had one, but I may have called it "Legacy". I'll check when I back in lotro tonight. I have a partial fix introduced in 1.2-beta for the later. You right click on the item row and it lets you link the item to a few different chat channels. The only limitation is that the addon has to explicitly do the linking via a shortcut, so this limits the text & such. Is that what you had in mind?

Originally Posted by wackafoo
I like game info in game. When I was on WoW I had atlus, quest helper, some ore tracker, and the best one of them all. A monster loot tracker! As you fight and mobs drop stuff it would list it. And the next time you hover over the mob, it would list all the items that mob dropped. By far the most useful plugin I had! It had a huge shared database.
That would be a great idea! To accomplish this in the current game though, it would involve the use of log parsing because the addon-beta does not give us access to the dropped item information. If you looted the mob, and event would get triggered as items enter your inventory, so we are 1/2 way there if we took that approach. Now we just need to know the "name" of what it was we are looting, and we could accomplish.

On that note, I was considering making a side project for a "generic" lotro log parser library, so that any addon that wishes to use log data, can subscribe to the generic redirection of information that the log would spit out. It becomes cumbersome and potential security problem for users to install 3rd party applications (like a log parser). But perhaps if it was well known, and accepted,maintained,and reused by several addon authors, perhaps not as bad. Worth thinking about.

Thank you both for your input!
Author of Lotro Compendium, Waypoint, and Lotro Plugin Compendium (LPC)
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Unread 03-26-2011, 05:45 PM
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lunarwtr lunarwtr is offline
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Felgercarb
..show and compare Legendary Items.
I just released 1.4-beta with ability to filter items by legendary. I've also updated it to have more items. Up to 42000 items now, from 39000.

I've spend a lot of time the last couple weeks trying to improve the UI for quest compendium. I've also taken initial steps at allowing a way for users to start annotating quests with their own comments and coordinates. To better use the room available, I had to simplify the filtering into menus similar to item/crafting compendium. Let me know if this works or not, and if you have any ideas for improvement.

Author of Lotro Compendium, Waypoint, and Lotro Plugin Compendium (LPC)

Last edited by lunarwtr : 03-26-2011 at 05:48 PM.
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Unread 03-28-2011, 08:11 AM
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lunarwtr lunarwtr is offline
The Undying
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Was able to get another release out with a Deed component to Compendium. With all the changes to the quest UI, it was pretty easy to fit the deed database into a similar looking tab.

Also added some auto fading to the window so if you wish to keep open but not bump into things as you move around. (ok hehe.. I kept running into things). Compendium should also auto hide when <esc> is hit. Added a settings tab for turning off misc stuff.

Thank you all who have tried and issued feedback, especially during beta!
Author of Lotro Compendium, Waypoint, and Lotro Plugin Compendium (LPC)
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