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Unread 01-04-2020, 05:53 AM  
The Undying
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how to set plugin to not show window and notifications whenever I log on to a character where I have plugin enabled and enabled
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Unread 03-13-2020, 12:44 PM  
The Wary

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I have been using version 1.53 for a while now, and the proliferation of chest locks in my reminders list is making it difficult to use. There are a lot of T1 instances (with daily lock resets) that I'm not interested in being reminded about, but I don't see an option to not track them. And if I delete that entry, it just comes back the next time I run that instance.

So now I have 61 reminders in my list, and I only care about 10 of them! Am I using the plugin wrong? Is there an intended way to deal with things like this that I have missed?

Would it make sense, instead of automatically adding a chest lock reminder, to have the dialog box pop up to ask if you want to add a reminder, just like for repeatable quests?
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Unread 03-13-2020, 03:55 PM  
The Undying
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I have been using version 1.53 for a while now, and the proliferation of chest locks in my reminders list is making it difficult to use. There are a lot of T1 instances (with daily lock resets) that I'm not interested in being reminded about, but I don't see an option to not track them. And if I delete that entry, it just comes back the next time I run that instance.

So now I have 61 reminders in my list, and I only care about 10 of them! Am I using the plugin wrong? Is there an intended way to deal with things like this that I have missed?
Thanks for the feedback. I don't run many instances myself, so I appreciate the perspective from someone who does.

What you are describing does sound annoying. For now, your only option would be to turn off the "automatically create reminders for chest/raid locks" feature, and manually update the reminders you already have.

The feature is only half-implemented at the moment, anyway. It currently ignores the whole "favored completion" mechanism, mostly because I have no way of testing without actually completing a raid.

Would it make sense, instead of automatically adding a chest lock reminder, to have the dialog box pop up to ask if you want to add a reminder, just like for repeatable quests?
Yes. It's a lot of UI work, though. I'll think about it.
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Unread 05-20-2020, 01:49 PM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Dwarrowdel
Would it make sense, instead of automatically adding a chest lock reminder, to have the dialog box pop up to ask if you want to add a reminder, just like for repeatable quests?
Added in version 1.55!

Last edited by Thurallor : 05-20-2020 at 04:31 PM.
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Unread 05-29-2020, 02:02 AM  
The Wary

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Version 1.55 is amazing! Thank you so much for the chest lock dialog and the favored completion support!
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Unread 07-02-2020, 04:32 PM  
The Wary

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Just a quick bug report regarding tabs. When I right click a reminder and select "Move to other tab" (for, e.g., a daily repeatable quest), it correctly moves the reminder to the selected tab. However, the next time I complete this reminder, it is recreated in the original tab and does not update in the tab it was moved to, resulting in an out-of-sync duplicate.

I've experimented with putting reminders in other tabs when they're first created, and those seem to update correctly. Looking at the plugin data, reminders created this way have a "$tab" attribute that the moved ones do not have. Please let me know if you want any more details.

Thanks again for the great plugin!
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Unread 07-02-2020, 05:53 PM  
The Undying
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Just a quick bug report regarding tabs. When I right click a reminder and select "Move to other tab" (for, e.g., a daily repeatable quest), it correctly moves the reminder to the selected tab. However, the next time I complete this reminder, it is recreated in the original tab and does not update in the tab it was moved to, resulting in an out-of-sync duplicate.

I've experimented with putting reminders in other tabs when they're first created, and those seem to update correctly. Looking at the plugin data, reminders created this way have a "$tab" attribute that the moved ones do not have. Please let me know if you want any more details.
I believe this is working as intended, but let me explain the intended behavior, and you let me know if it's different:

Merely moving a reminder to another tab does not update the settings which automatically created the reminder.

When the plugin automatically creates a reminder, it puts it in the tab you specified in the settings window. For quests, it will use the default tab you have selected (Settings -> Character -> Automatic reminders -> Create reminders for repeatable quests -> under Tab). That is, unless you override this with a quest-specific setting (Settings -> Character -> Known Repeatable Quests).

When it creates a reminder automatically, it first checks for an existing reminder with the same description and category, for the same character, under the same tab. If so, it updates that existing reminder instead of creating a new one. (This assumes you have enabled "Automatic reminders should replace existing reminders (auto refresh)" in Settings -> Global -> General.)

If you move that existing reminder to a different tab, then the plugin will no longer find it when searching for an existing reminder to update. So it will instead create a new one where it expected to find the old one.

Therefore when you move that reminder to another tab, you must also update the settings which were responsible for creating the reminder.

Just the fact that this took me so long to explain is a good indication that it needs to be simplified. I will try to think of how to do so, but if you have suggestions, they are welcome.
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Unread 07-05-2020, 09:04 PM  
The Wary

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Merely moving a reminder to another tab does not update the settings which automatically created the reminder.
Yep, I believe I follow.

In my case, I can't foresee a scenario where I would want it to do what it currently does. To provide some context, I have two tabs: "High Priority" and "Low Priority". I have a lot of different repeatable quests/chests in each of these tabs, but I want to make sure that I make an effort to finish the "High Priority" tasks first. However, sometimes my priorities change, and at this point I will want to move the tasks between tabs. To do this, I have to manually edit the data file to update the "$tab" property.

If this is not a meaningful use case for you, I completely understand. However, if I were just choosing how it works for myself, then I would want moving a reminder between tabs to be the same as setting the "Tab" field when first creating the reminder.

(Note that the same is true for renaming a reminder for a repeatable quest/chest, and so any time I want to update the description from what I originally set it as, I also need to edit the data file manually.)
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Unread 07-06-2020, 01:14 AM  
The Undying
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Originally Posted by Dwarrowdel
Yep, I believe I follow.

In my case, I can't foresee a scenario where I would want it to do what it currently does. To provide some context, I have two tabs: "High Priority" and "Low Priority". I have a lot of different repeatable quests/chests in each of these tabs, but I want to make sure that I make an effort to finish the "High Priority" tasks first. However, sometimes my priorities change, and at this point I will want to move the tasks between tabs. To do this, I have to manually edit the data file to update the "$tab" property.

If this is not a meaningful use case for you, I completely understand. However, if I were just choosing how it works for myself, then I would want moving a reminder between tabs to be the same as setting the "Tab" field when first creating the reminder.

(Note that the same is true for renaming a reminder for a repeatable quest/chest, and so any time I want to update the description from what I originally set it as, I also need to edit the data file manually.)
But you don't need to edit the data file manually. It's just a three-step process:

1. Move the reminder to the other tab.
2. Click the "(A)" icon (in the Description column) to open the settings pertaining to the reminder.
3. Modify the settings: Enable "Customize" for Tab, and select the new tab. In the future the reminder will be created/updated under the new tab.
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Unread 07-07-2020, 06:43 PM  
The Wary

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2. Click the "(A)" icon (in the Description column) to open the settings pertaining to the reminder.
It's like you read my mind! I've updated to 2.01, and I think this addresses all the issues that previously could only be resolved by manually editing the data file. (This option is not appearing for existing repeatable reminders yet, but I assume it will work correctly the next time the reminder is recreated.)

I still think that the current behavior for moving (repeatable) reminders between tabs is likely to cause confusion for others, but personally I'm happy enough with a 3-step alternative. Thanks very much!
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Unread 07-07-2020, 07:32 PM  
The Undying
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This option is not appearing for existing repeatable reminders yet, but I assume it will work correctly the next time the reminder is recreated.
If you're impatient, you can always force the recreation by opening the settings window (Settings -> Character -> Known Repeatable Quest -> Quest), and clicking "Remind me" with the "Now" checkbox ticked.

I still think that the current behavior for moving (repeatable) reminders between tabs is likely to cause confusion for others
I want to retain the ability to move or modify a reminder, without modifying the settings that created it. If you can think of a more intuitive UI design, please let me know.
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Unread 07-08-2020, 01:36 PM  
The Wary

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I want to retain the ability to move or modify a reminder, without modifying the settings that created it. If you can think of a more intuitive UI design, please let me know.
Hmm... if you want to add a more streamlined option for moving & updating the tab of a repeatable reminder, maybe a "Move to other tab permanently" dialog option next to the existing move/copy options?

I can certainly appreciate why a power user would want to retain the ability to do a shallow move of a reminder. However, in my case (as someone who only uses the plugin to track repeatable quests/chest locks), this is never the behavior I'd want. When I naively used the existing move option, I experienced two issues before I understood what was happening:
  1. Reminders I thought I had completed were still showing up as incomplete (because they were the "moved" reminders, which were no longer attached to the underlying repeatable, and thus weren't getting updated).
  2. I found multiple duplicates of reminders in some tabs, because when a repeatable re-appeared in the tab I moved it from, I moved it to another tab again not remembering that I had already done this.
I probably won't have these particular issues anymore now that I have a better understanding of how the plugin works, but it was not obvious at first, and I spent a lot of time being confused before I got frustrated enough to diligently track what was happening. My only hope in this regard is that I can help others avoid similar issues so they can enjoy this great plugin in a carefree way.


While I'm here, I wanted to pass along one more feature request. When creating a repeatable reminder, the "Now" option immediately creates the reminder in its completed state (i.e. the "Time" column is some positive amount of time). This works great for traditional chest locks, since they are completed at the time you create the reminder.

However, this is not the case for repeatable quests (since you create the reminder when you pick up the quest) or favoured chest locks (in general, unless it has exactly 2 favoured completions). Using "Now" for these types of repeatables creates it in its "completed" state even though it is not yet completed. Alternatively, I can create the reminder without "Now" selected, but then the reminder is not displayed until I complete it (and while this is only an issue once, it opens up the possibility of forgetting about the task while it is in this hidden state -- which is especially relevant for daily/weekly meta-quests that track the completion of other quests and so cannot be trivially completed).

The request is this: When creating a repeatable reminder, immediately display the reminder, regardless of whether "Now" is selected. Let the "Now" option only control whether or not the reminder is created in its "completed" state (and perhaps rename the option for clarity or give it a hover tooltip).

As usual, please accept the caveat that there's something I may have missed or misunderstood!
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Unread 07-09-2020, 05:47 PM  
The Undying
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Hmm... if you want to add a more streamlined option for moving & updating the tab of a repeatable reminder, maybe a "Move to other tab permanently" dialog option next to the existing move/copy options?
Well, the problem is that more than one quest / chest / etc. may create/update the same reminder.

For example, any time I open a chest called "Gamnagol's Chest - Tier 1" or "Gragarag's Chest - Tier 1" or "Guruthan's Chest - Tier 1", I have configured it to create/update a single reminder called "Remmorchant side bosses - Tier 1". (I did this by customizing the "Description" field, setting it to the same value for all three chests.)

It's a nontrivial thing to update all of those, if and only if the user desires it. But I will think about how to do it.

I can certainly appreciate why a power user would want to retain the ability to do a shallow move of a reminder. However, in my case (as someone who only uses the plugin to track repeatable quests/chest locks), this is never the behavior I'd want. When I naively used the existing move option, I experienced two issues before I understood what was happening:
  1. Reminders I thought I had completed were still showing up as incomplete (because they were the "moved" reminders, which were no longer attached to the underlying repeatable, and thus weren't getting updated).
  2. I found multiple duplicates of reminders in some tabs, because when a repeatable re-appeared in the tab I moved it from, I moved it to another tab again not remembering that I had already done this.
I probably won't have these particular issues anymore now that I have a better understanding of how the plugin works, but it was not obvious at first, and I spent a lot of time being confused before I got frustrated enough to diligently track what was happening. My only hope in this regard is that I can help others avoid similar issues so they can enjoy this great plugin in a carefree way.
Thanks for the detailed account of your thoughts. It highlights a deficiency in the UI semantics that I would like to address.

While I'm here, I wanted to pass along one more feature request. When creating a repeatable reminder, the "Now" option immediately creates the reminder in its completed state (i.e. the "Time" column is some positive amount of time). This works great for traditional chest locks, since they are completed at the time you create the reminder.

However, this is not the case for repeatable quests (since you create the reminder when you pick up the quest) or favoured chest locks (in general, unless it has exactly 2 favoured completions). Using "Now" for these types of repeatables creates it in its "completed" state even though it is not yet completed. Alternatively, I can create the reminder without "Now" selected, but then the reminder is not displayed until I complete it (and while this is only an issue once, it opens up the possibility of forgetting about the task while it is in this hidden state -- which is especially relevant for daily/weekly meta-quests that track the completion of other quests and so cannot be trivially completed).

The request is this: When creating a repeatable reminder, immediately display the reminder, regardless of whether "Now" is selected. Let the "Now" option only control whether or not the reminder is created in its "completed" state (and perhaps rename the option for clarity or give it a hover tooltip).
This is another example of the unclear separation between reminders per se, and the "rules" that create the reminders.

When you click "Remind me", you are not actually creating what I call a "reminder". A "reminder" doesn't exist until it appears in your table of reminders. When you click "remind me", you are only indicating that the reminder should be created when the quest / raid / chest / etc. is completed next time. That is, unless you tick the "Now" checkbox, in which case the reminder will be immediately created/updated.

However, I do see your point about doing a better job of setting the "Time" column when creating a reminder "Now", depending on the type of reminder. I will look into it.
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Unread 10-23-2020, 01:56 PM  
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Hi! I just wanted to comment again on my experience with moving reminders between tabs.

From time to time I reorganize my reminders due to changing priorities, and I've been using the method you outlined below. The problem arises in the "Raid/Chest Lock" and "Repeated Quest" dialogs. After changing the Tab, if I click the "Now" checkbox, then the new reminder is created in the new tab in its completed state, even if the original reminder was not completed. The alternative is to leave the "Now" checkbox unchecked, but then the new reminder doesn't show up in the new tab until I complete it again, which makes it difficult to keep track of.

Some possible ways to address this issue could be:

1. The ability to move a reminder in its current state to a new tab (along with the underlying repeatable).

2. The option in the "Raid/Chest Lock" and "Repeated Quest" dialogs to create the reminder in the uncompleted state.

Would greatly appreciate any effort to improve this process. And as always, thanks so much for all your work on this enormously helpful plugin!
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Unread 01-06-2021, 11:05 PM  
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Would it be possible to throw Hobby skill(s) on there for automatic updating? You might think refreshing a 24 hour timer is easy, but right-clicking add 24h doesn't set it exactly since the reminder keeps counting down past it's "now" time. So I have to delete and re-add the reminder every time.
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