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Author Credit is given on a simple basis. We credit the person who sends the mod in, and says "I wrote this" if you see your work here, and its credited to someone else contact us first then we can research it. Please remember more than one person can make the same mod.
Title, Username, & Date Last Post Replies
AI coding assistance
Forum: Dev Tools (L)Vinny
09-26-2024 10:20 PM
by JohnMHammer
UI Hide/Show question
Forum: Interface Help (L)Greyloop
08-31-2024 06:11 PM
by Garan
Camera Control or "Faux"...
Forum: Interface Requests (L)lotrofamily
08-07-2024 09:19 AM
by SamGoofus
Titan Bar Confusion
Forum: Interface Help (L)Cloave
07-23-2024 02:04 PM
by Dexter
Allegiances button?
07-14-2024 06:16 AM
by Cloave
fishing and fisshing helper
Forum: Interface Help (L)logangrey
07-14-2024 12:50 AM
by Hyoss
[DDO]Update 49 Release Notes, April 21st, 2021
Apr 21, 2021 - 1:16 PM - by Cairenn
Of Special Note:

Peril of the Planar Eyes

Help scholars from Morgrave University as they search Xen'drik for the Planar Eyes, mysterious artifacts tied to the power of Eberron's planes. But be careful - the Eyes are also sought by a new and mysterious cult known as the Hidden Hand!

This new adventure pack is FREE to VIPs and available in the DDO Store! Peril of the Planar Eyes includes four adventures, available at level 12 on Heroic and 32 on Legendary difficulty:
  • An Element of Chaos - Questgiver: Thaddeus Donbury
  • Eye Know Whodunnit - Questgiver: Alban Kimble
  • Seizing the Dawn - Questgiver: Fain d'Phiarlan
  • Beautiful Nightmares - Questgiver: Electa Poole
All of the quests can be accessed from Lordsmarch Plaza in Stormreach.

Changes focused on game performance

Update 49 includes significant adjustments to melee and missile combat to address long term concerns about game performance. One of the most frequent causes of lag happens when an Effects Queue forms, which means that players have applied a ton of on-hit effects to a monster and the game has reached a buffer and must clear its queue in order to continue processing new information. We are specifically targeting Server-based lag with this change. Behind the scenes, the server crunches damage, effects, and debuffs in a big queue. We can measure how efficient the server is at processing this queue by measuring the server frames. To begin researching and addressing the root cause we put together simulations of a standard large group and their on-hit profiles. What we found was that the amount of damage dealt didn't matter, it was about the frequency that effects were being applied. It didn't matter if a simulation was against one target or many - if the effects queue was in trouble the rest of the instance had its performance significantly impacted. That means lag for not just you and your group but for other people on the server.

Source and full patch notes.
0 Replies | 31,735 Views
(LOTRO) Update 29.5 Release Notes, The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins
Apr 19, 2021 - 2:12 PM - by Cairenn
Update 29.5 Release Notes

Here are the Release Notes for Update 29, released on Monday, April 19th.

Of Special Note:

The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins
One of the most famous of all the hobbits has gone missing, and it seems Bilbo's adventuring days are not yet behind him! Speak to Celeblír in Rivendell, not far from the Last Homely House, to begin 'The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins,' the first of our new story-based Missions quests available starting at level 20 through 130! The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins is FREE to VIPs and available in the LOTRO Store. ALSO, for a limited time, all players can get The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins for FREE: More information arrives Monday, April 19th, 2021.

Completing all ten missions will complete a Deed that awards a title, virtue xp, and Tokens of Further Adventure, which can be bartered for level-appropriate rings, cosmetic items, and housing decorations! Tokens of Further Adventure will also be acquired by running the Further Adventures missions. Tokens are Bound to Account and go into your Barter Wallet. There is a cap of 500 Tokens of Further Adventure.

Legendary Worlds - The Wastes
The Legendary Worlds of Anor and Ithil are being updated level cap 105. Areas up to the Black Gates of Mordor will be accessible, including the Battle of Pelennor Fields, the March of the King through North Ithilien and the Wastes, and the Battle of the Black Gate. Legendary Worlds are exclusive to VIPs, and you can learn more at LOTRO.com/Legendary.

Thanks to you we are celebrating our 14th Anniversary this month! From April 21st, 2021 through May 11th, 2021, players can celebrate 14 years of LOTRO with the Anniversary Festival, milestone rewards based on how long you have been playing the game, and more! Among the new rewards in the Anniversary Festival are cosmetic torches that can be wielded by your characters! The 2021 anniversary yearly gift will be awarded to your account upon first logging into a character between April 21st, 2021 and March 30th, 2022. Thank you for your continued support of The Lord of the Rings Online.

News and Notes:

  • An issue with gloss properties for many housing floor textures has been resolved.

  • Simple Carrying Torches consumable items can now be bartered for Steel Tokens at any Keeper of Gifts vendor.
  • The Facepaint stencil consumable items available from Hobnanigans and the Buried Treasure Event now trigger a Consume Consumables deed on use. These stencil items now have a 20 second cooldown between uses as well.
  • The Host of the West Quartermasters now offer housing music boxes 'The Wastes' Themes and 'The Wastes Epic' Themes.
  • Fixed some naming inconsistencies between items, skill, and cosmetic pet names for the Red Gecko, Two-toned Sheep, Ashen Eagle, Toffee Goat Kid, and Mottled Craban.

  • The Curator has returned and is available through May 2nd, 2021.

Quests and Adventure Areas
  • Woe of the Willow - Increased Gulmúk Dampmould's skill cooldowns.
  • Removed misplaced door in Trestlebridge.
  • Removed stuck locations in Naruhel the Red-maid instance.
  • Fixed render issues in Dol Guldur.
  • Floating resources in Lonelands have been grounded.
  • Hall of Memories dungeon and wallpaper/floor have been updated to support Per Pixel Attenuated Lighting.
  • Adjusted entrance to second boss of Shakalush to better support encounter reset mechanics.

  • The legacy game client once again runs on Windows XP.
  • Resolved an issue in the French client where mail replies would not send with the error "Le nom spécifié contient des caractères interdits. (StringCensored)"

Known Issues:
  • Occasionally, a door in The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Chapter 9, will remain unusable. This can be fixed by running back to the start of the tunnel and then running back to the door, which should become interactable at that point.
  • An issue was corrected in our last patch related to the quest Retribution of the Trees that prevented quest completion. This issue has been resolved for new encounters as of the last patch, but players whose characters were impacted by this bug will need to contact Customer Support in-game.

0 Replies | 14,127 Views
Our Holiday Wishes For All
Nov 30, 2020 - 6:03 PM - by Cairenn

As we enter December and look forward to the coming New Year, this is a time when many religions and cultures around the world celebrate major holidays. 2020 has been a really hard year all across the world. From pandemic to social unrest, from economic downturn to the food and housing insecurities created by all of, it has been an exceptionally trying time.

Now is when kindness, empathy, compassion, and understanding are more important than ever. We all need to try to come together, in spirit, to support one another. While most of us are having to stay physically apart to help protect each other from this deadly pandemic, it doesn’t mean that we can’t still be there to help one another. So many right now are suffering more than ever: fear of catching this horrible disease, anxiety over how to pay the bills due to lost jobs, loneliness at being isolated.

Unlike in the past, our global community is more connected than ever. Reach out to one another. Let people know that you care. Check on your family and friends. And if you’re one of the ones that is struggling, reach out to others* and ask for help. There is no shame in it. This is hard on everyone. Be kind and gentle with yourself as much as you can, because right now no one is at their best.

If you are able, donate. Donate money to your local food banks. Donate gently used items to local good works organizations. Donate your time to places that you have the ability to assist. There are many places that you can help while still remaining within your own home if it isn’t safe to go out (whether for yourself or for the community at large). Check with local volunteer organizations, they are more than happy to help match you up with somewhere that will suit your unique circumstances and abilities.

Please be kind. Be patient. Show grace. Understand that it isn’t the cashier’s fault that the store is out of the item you need. Realize that the delivery driver is just trying to survive, the same as you. Recognize that your favorite restaurant has had to pivot, and pivot, and pivot yet again to try to remain open in one fashion or another so they can continue to serve you. Support local businesses as much as possible.

Listen to the public health experts. Follow the advice of the scientists and medical personnel that are working at a feverish pace to understand and find treatments for this new disease. Yes, the advice changes from time to time. That’s because this is brand new. That’s how science works. As they learn about it, they figure out what works and what doesn’t. They are doing their best. Help them.

And please, hold a thought for our front line health care workers. They are exhausted. Please do your part. Stay home if you can. Wear a mask if you need to go out. Don’t gather in large groups. Wash your hands.

We will get through this, together. For the pandemic, hope is on the horizon. There are so many different vaccines that are showing great promise, at this point. As for the rest, if we hold to one another, if we care about each other, we can pull through. Humanity has always shown its best when things have been really tough but we’ve helped each other. Hold on. We’ll make it.

Dolby, myself, and all of our moderators, wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season. May the new year treat us all well.

#Happy Holidays
#No School Snowdays
#Joyous Kwanzaa
#Merry Christmas
#Happy Hanukkah
#Blessed Yule
#Happy Krampusnacht
#Blessed Solstice
#Happy New Year
#Howly Wolfenoot
#Touched By His Noodly Appendage
#Joyous Saturnalia
#Happy Festivus

* If you are struggling with your mental health and feel like you don’t have anyone else you feel like you can reach out to, reach out to me (Cairenn). I am very open about my own mental illnesses (anxiety and clinical depression) and thus you needn’t worry that I will judge you for your own struggles. My PMs are always open.
0 Replies | 15,442 Views
Happy Holidays!
Dec 18, 2018 - 12:18 PM - by Cairenn
From Dolby and I and all of our volunteers, we hope you have a happy and safe holiday season and that your new year is filled with peace and joy.

*Please note that due to the holidays, approval of addons or responses to messages may be slower than usual as everyone will be spending time celebrating the season with family and friends.
0 Replies | 53,947 Views
LOTRO Legacy Bundle
Dec 07, 2018 - 2:21 PM - by Cairenn
Introducing the LotRO Legacy Bundle

To kick off Yule this year we are offering a limited time promotion! A new bundle that permanently gives you every quest in the game and more!

Limited Time

This offer is only available between December 7th through the 16th 2018

Here's what you'll get with the Legacy Bundle:

One Year of VIP Access Time

Get all the perks of being a VIP like 500 LOTRO points every month, mobile mailbox access, all character trait slots, and no 5g currency cap!

All the content for one great price

Get Quests, Instances, Skirmishes, Raids, Deeds, and Regions that LOTRO has released as of December 31st, 2018, even quests from Expansions!

A Gift For All Your Characters, Forever!

Get a Crystal of Remembrance for every character on your account! You'll also get a Crystal of Remembrance on every additional character you create on your account going forward.

Bonus Items

You'll also get one Legacy Package for the character of your choice. It includes tons of bonus items to help you through your adventures and enough housing writs to buy your own premium house with no upkeep fees! Upon redemption of your Legacy Bundle code, you will immediately receive your bonus items on the character you log in on.

Source and full details
0 Replies | 28,644 Views
Title, Username, & Date Last Post Replies Views
[LotRO] An Invitation to Relive the Legend
10-23-2018 04:52 PM
10-23-2018 04:52 PM
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(DDO) Update 40: Cloaked in Darkness Release Notes, 03 Oct 2018
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[LotRO] Letter from Executive Producer Rob Ciccolini
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(LotRO) Update 21 Release Notes, 1 Aug 2017
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